A New Friend

Oct 21, 2011 01:44

My mom came home yesterday and surprised me with the most adorable raccoon hat! I have named it as that's my thing. It's name is Pierre and he is a French Canadian from Quebec City. Or Montreal. That bit of his back story is unclear to me as of now. He is insanely snuggly and warm ; I spent this afternoon asleep with him on after I finished reading Feminism and Pop Culture by Andi Zesler.

It's a pretty good read. I will be honest and say I excepted...more . I wanted it to have more pop references that I knew  and I wish it could have been longer. It's more a quick basic jaunt through the basics. Which is fine. I think if it actually was as long as I wanted it to be it would have been a hard read. Its the kind of book you get assigned in a college course and so the writing can be a bit dry at times. At least for me it felt that way. I'm sure much more educated/ smarter people have read harder books or are used to this kind of style and would find it a breeze.

Here are a few photos of Pierre and I .

Forgive how messy I look.

Here I am today snuggled in this wrap/serape/scarf thing my grandma got me for Christmas:

And here is just a really good photo of me. Now that I have figured out my webcam its a little bit easier for me to take photos of myself:

squee, hee, yay!!, huzzah, pierre, mom, new hat, happy happy fun times

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