Do you have what it takes to be a Swanson?

Oct 14, 2011 02:19

So I don't know if anyone knows this but I am truly madly deeply in love with the tv show Parks and Recreation. I love everything about it. It 's the only show on the air that combines my love of geeky goodness, feminism, waffles, and meat. Also Ron Fucking Swanson.

I just finished last nights episode and loved it as always.  I will write a full I love Parks and Rec post later today as its 2:12 am  and i should get some sleep.  Should being the operative word but what will most likely happen is I'll comb the interwebs for Parks and Rec gifs. Or Dr. Who ones. All I know is gifs tend to be involved.

To show how much i love you all here's a drunk Ron Swanson in a little hat. Yes I really do love you guys a lot.

late nights, *bouncy bouncy* party!, good times, parks and rec, random post is random, recommendations

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