Frizzle Frat

Jan 04, 2010 19:03

so i am now starting somthing new. every day I sahll post one to five good things that have happend to me. also I will write about one thing I'm thankful for and one thing I did right. it wont always be easy and yes somedays will be : I got out of bed. I did not kill a hobo kind of stuff but I'm trying to think positvley. dont worry though I am still agreat bitch and am more then happy to go OH NO SHE DIDNT or somthing to that effect when you speak of your own woes. I want to try this for 3 months. just to see what happens to me . will I become happyer? more depressed? a rageing searl kiler? (if so where I find a killing outfit? one must always be stylish is this a time for black on black or should i add a bit of red what will my unique style be? the Jazz Hand Killer?) any way lets see waht happens! most likely outcome is I stop after 2 weeks. tops.

ok so my good things today....
1. my teachers were all really sweeet when I went to drop out today. my one teacher kept telling me she thought it was a good idea and she was sure I would do great things. so I was all like awww to think I hated you so much. funny how that sort of stuff works out.
2. ..... it snowed to day and looked very nice. this is what I am greaful for.
3. the best part of my day WAS LOOKING AT MY PAINTING AT MIDNIGHT THATNKS TIFF I LOVVVEEE YOU!!!!! Fran will be on your door step bound gaged an with a ribbion on top of his head in a few days. just you wait.

thing I'm greatful for.
TIFFANY MAKEING MY PAINTING!!!!!! SHE IS AMAZING!!!!!! I AM SO GREATFUL I KNOW YOU. oh hey guess where I went to day? THE STALKING SCHOOL I KID YOU NOT! it was caled the Stalking community centeror somthing like that. tis where I shall take my GED classes. THATS RIGHT I'M GOING TO STALKING SCHOOL! amazing right?

one thing I did good today: I filled out an appliction for the local community college. yay me.

dear lord wish I could wrte more.. but some people have decied I am a prisoner in this house and therfor am only allowed so much time on the computer. sadists.

love stalking, good times, painting

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