(no subject)

Feb 16, 2011 08:59

So I feel MUCH  BETTER now. thanks to everyone for your well wishes!

My insurance is driving me up the wall though. I  don't understand what is wrong and moms trying to find out but basically the drug store said  I can't get my pills because my insurance is gone or won't cover them or SOMETHING. So I'm freaking out because I have doctors to go to pills to get etc.

i get to go see a new blood doctor today So that means lots of forms to fill out and this mess with my insurance. Is it just me or does everyone else think February is evil insurance month?  At least 3 other people I know are having issues with their insurance as well!

*sigh shake of head*

In other News usakeh  and I want to celebrate one of our favorite Leverage characters ELIOT SPENCER!!  We haven't figured out when but we figure we will take a day or too to post awesome gifs story recs fanvid's etcetera on my journal. SO WHEN WE DO FIGURE IT OUT COME JOIN IN ON THE ELIOT LOVE! We may just have to do a special day for his hair alone. ITS THAT FANTASTIC.

fandom is a wonderful thing, sadness, random, leverage, annoyed right now

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