Doctor 101

Dec 28, 2010 22:50

 started watching Dr. Who
LOVE IT. it took me a while... the first episode was.. eh. but i'm really liking it. i like that rose has an ass. shes a bit dumb but it takes time so i have hopes of her being awesome. her mother is insane! i adore /  love hating her. I'M IN MY DRESSING GOWN.. WITH A STRANGE MAN IN MY BEDROOM. ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN. BWHAHAHA. you old washed up slagy slapper. is slagy a word???    because slag is . its like slut.  so a slutty washed up ... i forgot what a slapper is. i mean i can point to someone and say slapper!\(not that i would.. * innocent face*) i wanna say  it means stripper. or again slut. so a slagy slapper would be a really slutty slut.

anyway having fun and my inner monologue is turning british so alls well.


you never forget your first doctor, dr.who, fun should be had, happy happy fun times

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