(no subject)

Dec 18, 2010 17:59

 Dear Leverage:
Stop making me cry!!!! 
First you KILL A BUNCH OF HORSES IN THE WORST WAY POSABLE. THEN YOU TELL ME THEY WERE SCREAMING WHEN THEY DIED!  Now YOU HAVE A SAD AWFUL ORPHANAGE AND ITS KILLING ME. I'm SOBBING. my mother has to come check on me! And I'm scared because I have a feeling that the little boy they saved might have .. whatever you call it. iits like PTSD but its a special strand that happens to children from post Soviet orphanages where they act out in manic bursts of rage and a lot of other things. It kills me. OH THERE YOU GO LEVERAGE MAKING ME SMILE AGAIN. YOU KNOW I WON'T FORGET THIS TIME . OH NO YOU WON'T FOOL...me PROP TRUCK! ok... well I might forgive you.... right about nowish, Plus you got Parker to stab a guy with a fork which to tell you the truth is something I have always wanted to see someone do.  Hey!! I LIKED SOPHIES  SCENE!

Ok forget everything i said Leverage. I love you.

With many a squee,


sadness, leverage, happy happy fun times, love

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