is feeling all unloved.

Oct 21, 2010 03:25

 SIGH. no one loves me. at least not at Bechdel Test's fic a thon. . no ones written any of my prompts. which makes me sad. i mean i know there are tons and i mean TONS.of prompts but it would have been nice if just one just ONE SMALL TEENY TINY ONE was done.  someone even said they loved one of my prompts.... i go on every day  when i have my laptop and the internet and check to see. like a little kid waiting for santa or someething.  sigh. i'm just being narcissistic. still it would be nice. i almost want to write them myself but thats like sending yourself flowers and claiming their from your boyfriend sven. who lives in canada. (the lives in canada parts an avenue q reference. . this closeted puppet says his fake girlfriend lives in canada.) though i think sven may have moved... to greenland. where he roams with his pet polar bear  steve. also i cant really write fiction very well. i just dont have it in  me to write good fic.

so yah.

anyway i got to thinking maybe my prompts suck? so here they are. now i want your HONEST opinion. if you think its bad tell me.

my latest
merlin/btvs Morgana and Dark!Willow
look how far we've come

Xena/BtVS, Callisto, Drusilla
takes one to know one

BTVS - Anya, Tara
wedding gift registration ( i loved the scene in i was made to love you when there talking about anya's new wealth from online trading and how she wants to buy something expensive like an antelope)

BtVS/True Blood, Pam, Darla
working girls

True Blood - Sookie, Pam
shoe shopping (after the horror that was the destruction of pam's pumps in s2)

ATS Lilah , Cordelia
whats a nice girl  like you doing in a place like this

i cant remember any other prompts but here are the ones i have. so please tell me are they awful?

bechdal test fic a thon, me, random, bad blah, meh

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