the internet is for porn. and fic.

Oct 11, 2010 14:42

 eh today is all about rest. i think i'm getting sick (no shocker there!') and so i'm in my bed all propped up agianst my pillows with my xena on (not any more thanks mega video and your stupid policy. i has to wait for 45 more minuets. AND THEY JUST GOT TO THE GOOD PART!!!)

i got all excited because the the Bechdel Test Comment Fic-a-thon has over 20 pages now so i was hoping someone had written one of my prompts - because how cool would that be?but alas no one likes mah prompts. and i feel a wee bit sad because i got so excited. i'm all let down. which is something i do. i get super hyped up then something doesnt meet my expectations and i crash hard. ah well. on the bright side there are some pretty wicked awesome comment fic's that i can't wait to read. i may even get up the courage to write for a prompt!!!

hmm what else?. got some new pjj's yesterday they has kitties on them!!!there to long though i like my pj pants to be about knee high. like capri's i'm always hot .  if i could i would keep my room at 64 degrees Fahrenheit . i'm to lazy to convert to Celsius right now so sorry canadian and other awesome Celsius user friends.

i went trick or treating this weekend at one of our state parks. they do it for like three weekends in a row and i think next weekends the ast one. i went as a zombie prom goer like i did at dragon con but i used latex thingys as open sores and stuff and fake tattoos of stitches. the latex wouldnt stop coming off so in the end i was Carrie. gotta love Stephen King.

the tattoos on my back still havent come off so i might be begging my mom to wash my back. which means i should probably have a bubble bath with a rubber ducky and have her wash my hair with Johnsen and Johnsen . you know to bring back some old memories. you know how mothers always see their children as their babies. even if we are almost 20. just thought i could indulge her. and be super lazy and get a shower/bath in the process.

i saw  the social network with one of my best friends ashley and .. hated it. ok i didnt hate it so much as i spent  most of the movie going  huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???????????????????????? explain please. computers confuse me. all i cared about were the following
  • it appears crew members a freaking hot and the sports pretty boring / uneventful so i could read through most of it and still sound like i understood what happened  and who /how someone  won.
  • Harvard was in it and as everyone knows i  have major squees over Harvard. i have since i was ten. iknowimwireddontjudgemegoddamnit!
  • there are male twins with a funny last name who in my opinion have some major ust. which is slightly hot but also very disturbing.
  • the guy who plays Edwardo is cutot(pronounced que-ott(as in otter)). which stands for cute/hot. not hot as say orlando bloom or cute as michale cera but sort of a mix of those two good looking genres. he was in no way as smexy as james though.
  • the story was based on a true story ( the founding of facebook blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. which i didnt really know and considering how boring i think facebook is.... well yah.) and so theres this scene where one of the people is trying to get into a frat or something and has to take care of a chicken for a week and is in the dinging hall with it and feeds it... CHICKEN. which brings up some animal cruelty issues but i found it insanely funny.does this make me a bad person? because now all i can think about is a bunch of chickens in ties or pearls at a fancy restaurant eating roast chicken.and the roast chicken is their dear uncle fred and this is his funeral and my mind goes in strange places.
hmm what else. ah yes  long while ago dontgetanyolder informed me there was a porno of alice in wonderland and i mentioned this to a friend a few days ago  and we got to thinking what other childhood storis /moives were ruined by now its my mission to make a list of other beloved books /tv shows/ movies/fairy tales/plays/musicals and see if there are porn versions. dont worry i wont watch i'm a good girl. who has insane fears of virus's on her laptop. so i'm going to be spending a lot of time Google-ing but if anyone wants to be nice and just tell me some ones they know of so i can cross them off my yet unmade list that would be great. the things i do for science. or really random facts. i'm honestly doing this so i can be able to say in a conversation you that .(fill in blank) was adapted into a porn move? so if there is anything you would like to find out about let me know and i will add it to the list heres what i have so far

harry potter
gone with the wind
 breakfast at tiffany's 
chronicle's of  narnia
peter pan (pretty sure there is)
buffy (besides the friends one)
jungle book ( i really hope not)
dracula (most likely)
sleeping beauty (pretty sure there is)
snow white
the phantom  of the opera
my fair lady
the wizard of oz
fun with dick and jane (i'm betting 40 bucks there is)
the great gatsby
pride and prejudice 
south pacific
the little mermaid
star wars(there HAS TO BE ONE)
 list to be continued later my heads gone all o_O

not much going on, my weekend, xena, bored, random, the bechdel test comment fic-a-thon, porn its what the internet's for!

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