Its time to come out of the closet.

Oct 02, 2010 08:31

 random observation is random. my cats keep disapeering into my closet for long perids of time so i'm thinking one of two things are goiong down. (are going? is going? my grammers worse then normal tonight)

1. they are going on fantastic adventures to Narnia WITHOUT ME (THOSE BITCHES). in which case i want to strap some money to them and have them buy me a talking otter. if they dont go for buying a citizen in slavery then i would gladly take a novelty snow-globe.

2. they are growing some highly potent- and illegal- catnip. thats right my cats have become kitty drug lords. at lest i hope so i would hate to think my cats arent ambitious enough to be drug lords and are instead just simple growers(how cute would it be if th kitty narc squad busted them and they said in sweet broekn english "we are but simple growers senior". why in my mind they are Mexican i have no idea but they are.). though if this is the case i can get them some mini ponchos and straw hats (and one will have to have a mustachio. oh now i know why i want them to be Mexican. i'm a sucker for a sombrero. )instead of the nice pinstripe suits i had envisioned them wearing.  Camille  would  have a little vest and Gracy (Grace Kelly) would have the jacket. both shall wear fedoras. i won't let them have guns though. they are a menace to society and tasers are just as effective and much more in vogue.

so yah. thats all thats going on in my world

drug lords, kitty, narnia, random

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