Dead girl walking

Sep 23, 2010 16:08

 i am completely and utterly fucked. i cannot get into a class i need . i was in the class but they called when i was away to tell me it was cancelled on the day i was signed up and to reschedule. the one time that will work for mom is full. i'm fucked. my mothers gonna kill me. i'm trying really hard npt to cry right now because i'm really scared. i have to act calm because my grandmothers here and she doesnt really believe in feelings. this is the woman who told me a chronic sufferer of depression that and i qoute "i could never be depressed i would forget what i was sad about!"  any way this means no financial aid . mom told me i owe her $1,000 and i have to pay bills now.  i'm really scared what shes going to do to me when she finds out.

hurt, school, crying, freaked out, scared, mom

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