Fic For Tara/Annie Week

May 31, 2010 02:04

 So here are a few titles I will be reading for Tara? Anne(tuns out its anne not annie. i thought she switched it.. nope thats was gunn calling her annie. way to screw with me gunn.) week which is the first of my Year of Fic project. I start .. tusaday. I thought what with it being a new month and all. though i may start tomorrow. if i find enough fic tonight.

so far for Tara Maclay we have:

Fear the Easter Bunny
by Erin Griffin
Found at
A one short with Tara and Anya Tara/Willow implied.

The Tara Maclay Affair

by JustSkipIt
Fond On
the summery was kind of vauge but it sort of sounds like Oceans 12 to me.... which i LOVED. god how cool would that movie have been if it was done by buffy characters?!
yes i relize what a nerd i am.

Dawn, Tara, PG-13, a slightly AU take on "Villains" in S6
Summary: Dawn remembers Tara.
Found at: buffyversetop5

Title: Easy-Bake
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Rating: PG13
Timeline: Early season 6
Word count: 591
Prompt: 085: Gluttony
Found at: Still Grr

Title: Five Valentine's Day Deliveries
Author: deird1
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: 148 (February - Valentine's Day)
Characters: Xander, Tara, Glory's minions, Buffy, Wesley
Fouhnd at:still Grr.

Anne Steele is kicking my ass. which i knew she would do. i have found a few crossover fics with stuff like ncis and criminal minds but i dont really think she plays a key role. except for the victim/missing person.however i do know of some wonderful drabbles over at still grr. i'll look at those later i wanna go watch old snl's that i missed this month. thank you hulu for existing


5. Anne, After the Fade
By: spuffyduds
characters: Anne
rating: G
length: drabble
setting: just after AtS season 5’s “Not Fade Away” episode
summary: A vignette of Anne in her teen shelter, thinking of Gunn’s last visit.
Found at:buffyversetop5

Title: Five People Who Weren't Surprised to See the World End
Fandom: Angel
Setting: Post "Not Fade Away"
Rating: PG-13, gen
Words: 1,385
By lyrstzha
found at buffyversetop5
Ok so shes only in one section but thats something!!!

Rating: Teen
Found at: buffyversetop5
Plot: This story was written in short bites which were posted almost daily. Set after Wesley shots his "father" in AtS Season Five. It brings back a reoccurring character in Anne and explores what happens when you send a Demon Magnet to a land with old gods. Amazing Wesley voice and a sense of the interplay between outsiders. Plot and friendship driven fic

Yes anne is only a character in this and is not the main focus but it sounds amazing!

Title: Change
Author: buffyfanficer
Rating: PG
Word Count: 195
Prompt: New Season (001)
Character: Buffy,Anne
Found at: Still Grr

Title: Triumph
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 068 Free for all: Anne
Found at: Still Grr.

fic, challange, tara, recs, lsearching for more recs, a year of fic, anne

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