i fought the fly and the fly won

May 29, 2010 04:17

yes thats right a fly has kicked me out of my bedroom. and another one kicked my ass in the bathroom when i went to go splash cold water on my facer because its hot out and i feel gross. i lost... to a fly. A FLY! in my defense these two fly have to be the biggest flys i have ever seen so you know. just take that into account. merrrr. ok thats relly only a small thing the real reason i came on here was because well and mind you i have never done this before but.. i just read a fic and.. i got kind of upset. like mad at the auther how dare you do what upset me. which is wrong. because this is not my story. its theirs. they can do  whatever they want to it ... it upset me even more so because of the disscusion going on at gabrielleabelle's lj about this guy who posted on i think blogspot saying that rape was a way of being equal with women or something..  the man needs help. or a bullet through the brain.  any so the storys called no need for names by.. i forgot. i'll go look it up tahmoe its over at the spuffy realm. i asked for some recs with  a bad boy spike in them because i'm in such bad closer and closer withdrawl.  we need more dampersnspoons!

any way heres what upset me. so in this story buffy and spike meet and have this crazy one night stand. spikes this big time sex freak loves guys girls getting hit whatever. buffys.. not like that. but her friend faith is. so faith ends up hooking up with spike 9only his "bad " sides called that though) anyway he realizes he wants buffy faith wants them both she plays psycho schemer and tries to break them up buffy finds out eventually she and faith have it out then faith is cut out of her life william and her stay together alls good on their front. then faith gets her comeuppance which all villeins eventually do. why? because thats what happens in once upon a time land. speaking of which is it just me or would anyone else like to read a story where that doesnt happen? when the villein gets away with it? true it might seem unsatisfying to the reader but its far more realistic.  ok back to the story. but before i forget the stories pretty much porn with very little plot. which is fine though i was sort of hopping for a story. see withdrawal from closer and closer. so anyway faith is about to suffer her consequences  for her badness. what happens is she goes with angel (whos a sick bastard) to a "party" only its not really a party unless you think getting the shit beat out of you , gang raped (how could you do something like that wes? gunn? angel sure but you two?? ) and then killed  and dumped in a ditch is your idea of a party.if so may i recommend that you take 50 very large steps away from me and quietly go with these nice people in the white pajamas. they will take you somewhere nice and safe. with walls that are cushy soft.   well thats what happens to faith.

the thing that got me upset though (besides that) was what the author wrote in their little note that says stuff like tell me what you think heres what they said:" A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite the mild violence but karma is a bitch." KARMA IS A BITCH. yes this is true. but from what i read the girl would have had to have made hitler weep at her sickness and cruelty to deserve that. ... karma is a bitch.*snorts* like faith- and this may just be me here but in a way i feel they are saying anyone whose done wrong.- deserves to be beaten defiled against her will killed and then have their naked body thrown carelessly in a ditch.

so i did end up skimming to see what happens and they catch the bad guys buffy gets all of hfaiths stuff she ggives some to charity they all end up happy. but i'm still not over the whole thing. i cant read anymore of it even though  the chapter i skimmed was just about it. in the end its sort of sweet but still  its just.. so.. disgusting to me.  i just.. cant. and i feel bad. because this isnt my story who am i to judge?

so is it just me? or does anyone else have a similar experience? 
because its bothering me and now i cant sleep. 

karma, help, rape, fic, story, thoughts wanted

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