May 26, 2010 18:39
let me just get the fangirl screaming out of the way EKKKKKKKKKKKKKK SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE POHMIGODDDDDDDD SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oh no . i just broke some glass.
ok so i was talking to bri as i started whatching glee and so i'm like ok you can eaither give her tons of messages while watching or just make a post. so thats what i'm doing. so heres what i've said so far.... basically its just me repeating lines i love.
oh my god so i'm watching glee on hulu right now and tina's in trouble because shes wearing goth clothes and a bunch of twilighters attacked the wired kid with the jew fro... and she says my mom wont even let me watch twilight she thinks kirstin stwerts a bitch. FTW!!!!!!!!!! and figgins is acting like he thinks vampires are real. ex: (i dont remember all the first bit of the line but i'll wing it)
"studies show that when a stict dress coed is enforced there is a drop oin gan violence and vampirism
i really want tinas hat! oh no the vamp's have gotten me!!!!
oh kurt!! "not everyone can pull of dior grey *eyes go big in wonderment* we need to redecorate!" WHY CANT I LIVE IN GLEE?!? i want a kurt!!!!!!!
Grrrrrrrr!!! my post broke! i had a ton of stuff written down!
ok lets try this again
loved how puck made a david boiwe reference . not something i thought he would know.
i said i thought the whole your my mom reveal was kind of stupid because i just cant see any reasnable person walking up to someone while their working and going your my mom. you'd think they would want some privicey. and yes i know i just compared rachel to a normal person.
i thought that when idina said i've missed so much and they did a close up that it was clear she was supposed to look like she was crying or about to cry but to me it just looked like she was trying to keep her make up on and or had botox and was unable to cry.
i say this with love because i adore idnia if she had botox more power to her.
oh will. "i'm learning such amazing stuff about lady gaga!" yep. its as i suspected . you no longer teach spanish you just hid in a small dark room. where you may or may not also live. (i have this great image in my head of him wearing footsie pj's with music notes on them and brushing his teeth in the locker room with his teddy bear standing guard. it has a sort of show tuns outfit on. with positionable jazz hands.)
puck. *sigh shake of head* you really thought jack daniels was a good name? really? i get that its supposed to be funny but its just kind of lame. they make finn and puck far stupider then they need to be. i mean in the real world therez no way they would have gotten into high school this way.. well i guess they could thanks to the nclb (no child left behind) act. a lot of teachers just push kinds through the system these days.. i'm depressing myself
oh rachel!!!!!! i love how you can say "my dads are moving my therapyist into our spare room " with a straight face while wearing an outfit made of beinie babies.
speaking of outfits i want to kick those loser jocks asses for messing with kurt and tina. i loved how kurt stood up to them though! i do like the one lame as comeback they had " you dont need an appointment at supercuts they love walk in's!" they do know how awful that makes them sound right? walk ins * shudders* well ok so i'm not a snob.... all the time but i have found that it is best to make an appointment. that way your stylist is ready for you. i think the outcome looks much better.
poor rachel "my dads cant sew so these are just stapled on" gotta love kurt "and we have a jumper!"
brittney "you look stupid. " siad by the girl with silver lobster claws over her eyes
the only outfit i really like is quinn's . oh and kurts he reminds me of adam ant. wow santana can sort of sing in this ep!!!
oh my god i'm gonna cry!! "my dads cant sew i really need a mom right now" i'm getting flashbacks with my mommy! heh last minute mermaid tail long story.
haha the guys are doing kiss. the flames kind of piss me off though., this is a high school. and it isnt a dream sequence sooo.. not realistic. same with the girls performance
again oh puck *shake of head* "but i dont know why i have whore lips.."
finn the one good line you've had all this episode "we dont live in new your or san fransisco or some other cirty where people eat vegetables that arent fried!" finn dear your a douche. kurt is ten times a man then you.
I LOVE YOU KURT'S DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that has to be one of THE BEST speeches i have ever heard!
ohhh!!!!!!!!!!1 PUCK!!!!!!!!!! if some guy gets me knocked up i want them to sing me a song. about the baby name they want. only you know i would perer something other then beth. which makes me thing of a friend so i would get befuddled. i think theres a clash song called madeline.
haha "brad! he's always just around" i think he lives ala the phantom and has a liar under the stage..... good old brad. always on piano never saying anything, or doing anything... just playing the piano. you'd think one of the gleeks could play.
i love poker face by idina and rachel!!!
oh my god FINN! you have redeemed yourself. sort of. i may need to see you in some more insane looks to be completely appeased
well thats my commentary on this weeks glee!.
i watch to much tv,
kick ass speech