All I want for Christmas is a Rocket Launcher .Or a Panda.

Dec 21, 2009 22:40

So Chistmas will soon be apun us. I fear for my sanity. My faimly isnt really a family. We're sort of a bunch of Strangers who have nothing to say to one another. that wouldn't be so bad . only you know some how in this odd world where we do not know each other we have manged to form grudges, vendettas, and just gernal hatred for one another. which we of course try to keep buried deep deep inside. We only air our old issues durning the holidays. sort of like a sick one of a kind presnt. Now this doesnt happen every year. no we have been pretty good latly. Hopfuly this year will just be full of annyoing silence. realy to be honest the grandchildren (myself included) have no ill will. we get along great. you know until one of us seals anothers toy but we mostly fight like siblings do . you know HEATHY non Passive Agressive sibblings who bear grudges agents each other all thier lives then exsplod at the faimly gathers about who mom and dad inabled more... no those would be the "grown ups." (note how losely I use the term) My issue is.. well. I never really got to be a kid. not really. for anyone who desnt know (wich would be everyone.) I have autism. I'm pretty high functioning now. We just found out about it last year. I didnt do so good as a kid. in fact I was... well it was pretty bad. so my family seen the worst of me. and now that I'm "better" I dont know how to reconet with them. they don't know eather so I can't blame them. its very uncomfortable for everyone involved. It dosent help that I'm an uber spaz. they want normal. boring. I'm not. they would perfer an advrage 19 year old who likes guys, the mall, and whatever the hell those girls like. not moi. Moi Jadores speaking franglish(french english.. its fun try it some time! I just peper my conversations with random french words I know. one time I told a waiter at applebees I wanted to buy an eraser). They really don't want to here about how amazing the Ramones are, or watch me do MY FREAKING AMAZING replays of Buff. I can do whole scence. Cuz I'm just steller like that.

on another topic my new tatto is not getting the love it demands! ok yesh some people cant read latin. also I'm willing to understand some people don't like tattoo's but still! I love my tatto dammit peoiple GIVE ME PROPS!!!!!!!! YES I AM THAT NEEDY!

random ness time!
I got a slinky and it smells funny. also it is not performing up to snuff. it wont slink it's way down the stairs. i am very worrried about this. do you think there are slinky docters? most likly not but think how cool that would be!

Also I think I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be the person who comes up with nail polish color names. I am willing however to also name reguler paint... if I have to. Nail polish colors are way more fun though. does anyone else think that?
when I was a kid I went through the whole wanting to be a docter, teacher etc thing but what I REALLY wanted to do was acomplish Wrold Domination. dont blame me. blame the tv. i was so obbsesed with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I LOVED the cat.. uhh Salem. I love sarcast people.

I think I may have to stalk Chirspher Moore. its been forever.. (ok like last may) since hes writtena new book! speaking of books am going through a dry spell. need new ideas of what to read. I love just about anything. History, msytery, other things that end wit the sound istry. it's all good. am dieing to get my hands on Mirror Mirror by Gregory Miguire. LOVE IT! havent read it in a few years. I love his books. Nomraly I don't like darkness... but his books are just things of wonder. Love them. I love how he takes a new look at fairy tales. I allways loved fairy tales. see my first entry about storys. its why I love them.

any way must dash.. well not really but I don't have anything else to say except..................


nail polish, christmas, slinky, drama llama, buffy, panda rocet launcher, family

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