(no subject)

Jan 13, 2005 14:57


What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

never thought i would getthat as a result :P

Sailor Moon...is that you? You got sailor Moon, the
main Sailor Senshi with the power to talk to
peoples hearts. She often acts very immature
and is very clumsy, but her friends still love

The Ultim8 Sailor Moon quiz: Which sailor senshi (soldier) R U?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Sakura!

Which Card Captor Sakura character are you? [girls]
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Daidouji Tomoyo!

Which Card Captor Sakura character are you? (Sakura, Tomoyo, Yukito, Touya, Shaoran, Meilin or Kero)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Sakura!

Which Card Captor Sakura wizard are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What NERV Child Are You?

What San-X Character Are You?
Sailor Moon...is that you? You got sailor Moon, the
main Sailor Senshi with the power to talk to
peoples hearts. She often acts very immature
and is very clumsy, but her friends still love

The Ultim8 Sailor Moon quiz: Which sailor senshi (soldier) R U?
brought to you by Quizilla

woot~woot lol hahahahah
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