Apr 24, 2005 22:41
damn. i havent updated in so long. skipping to the matter at hand though.. this weekend i stripped my room, then got new cabinets and shelving, then threw it all back in. however, in the hiatus period where everything from grade 4 and on was on my mothers bed...there was a full dimebag floating around. unfortunately i was not the one to come across this blast from the past and my mother waaaassss. hah the whole situation was actually quite beautifully set up. i walked out of the shower in my towel and my mom was standing there holding the bag and instead of denying it, i just kind of offered it to her as a sign of peace. expecting that shed laugh and be like okay break out your bong! (yes she knows about that too) she kind of went with it and kind of didn't.
she started going off on how she knows i'm going to do what i want and that she trusts my judgement but when your high you dont have that judgement etc etc leads to unprotected sex. the wwhole shpiel revolved around this can ruin your life - im refering to pregnancy and HIV and AIDs- kinda thing. i dont even know where she thinks i stand on a sexually active level...she's either in denial or doesn't know shit. but she was stressing it and i was feeling a little uncomfortable standing in the middle of he hall in my towel with her lecturing so the whole house could hear.
anyways. no big deal. my room is all different looking. fresh and new. it's about time for a new piercing. i've been thinking seriously abaout my tongue the last few weeks. however, as a tongue piercing would be dangerous to do myself, i need to save up some money to get it done. i figure i get it .. late may early june. im hardly ever home in the summer so it gives me time to get used to taking care of how wide i open my mouth when i speak. at least when my parents are around. i think i'll give it another month and if i still want it then i'll go for it.
there are so many concerts and so little time and money. my brother wants to come to nofx the same day as me, which could turn out to be beneficial. other than that theres coldplay, ani, against me, planet smashers, and.. those who shall not be named. but together.. thats a total of 20+30+20+13+13+30 in ticket prices. the total is 126 dollars. which is ridiculous. especially if i actually plan on getting a tongue ring. euughhh summer job. need summer job. need job now actually.
i'm psyching myself out about these rat stats. mrs tew told me i could come to her on monday and label a diagrama and then explain 10 organs and how they work. or i could use my enzyme lab mark twice. but that wasnt such a hot mark. so i think i've got to ace this bad boy if i plan on passing bio this year.