Jan 24, 2018 16:21

Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: AU
Pairings: Burt/Kurt, Kurt/dogs, Kurt/Cooper, Kurt/OCs
Overall Warnings: Non-con, Incest, Bestiality, B!P, Daddy Kink, Innocence
Additional warnings for this chapter: All links in the story are NSFW.

Summary: Since his wife passed, Burt has sheltered his son from the world with only their dogs for company on their small cattle farm. A GKM fill for this prompt. This is what the dogs look like and check out the nsfw fanartby Val.

Chapter summary: Cooper extends an invitation. Kurt finds what he’s been longing for. Blaine has a revelation.



Kurt couldn’t get enough. Blaine’s hands felt as though they were touching every part of him; cradling his face, tugging at his elbows, pulling him closer. Kurt’s knees splayed either side of him.

The air between Blaine’s fingertips and Kurt’s thighs crackled with desire, the sparks subsiding as hands smoothed across Kurt’s skin.

Blaine was everywhere; under him, around him, in him.

Kurt felt electric. The current running through the circuits of their bodies, pulsing through them as tongues met, fingers stretched over skin, chests pressing together. Kurt could barely take a breath in the best possible way.

He yearned for more. His lips smoothing into a smile as Blaine gazed at him with honey-drunk eyes. His mouth soon found its mark, moving sure against Blaine’s, his senses tumbling end over end. He felt like he was falling into nothing and everything all at once.

A cooler confident hand tugged at the bottom of his shirt. Kurt moaned against Blaine’s lips. He’d know that touch anywhere. The fly of his denim cut-offs popped open and Cooper’s hand slipped beneath his lace panties.

Kurt couldn’t help it. He shifted against Cooper’s touch, against the fingers rubbing over his clit, driving him mad. His hot, damp breath against Blaine’s cheek added to the storm of sensation overwhelming him.

Blaine cupped his face once more, their tongues sliding together.

Cooper’s fingers dipped in and out of him, spreading his juices over his pussy.

Kurt grunted and let his body take what was being offered. He fucked himself against Cooper’s probing fingers and kissed Blaine’s hungry mouth, wanting it all.

His eyes rolled back in his head but his body began to shift. And Blaine’s lips were gone. He pouted at the loss even as he lost his grip. He was tipping over.

Sure hands caught him. They settled him.


He smiled. He was safe. Wherever Blaine had gone, Cooper would make it better.

Kurt kept his eyes closed as Cooper shifted behind him, pulling his shirt off. Kurt made a tiny complaining noise, the slight chill pebbling his nipples. His shorts were tugged loose. He was being guided down.

He sighed. His chest met bare skin laid out on the couch, the heat warming him from the inside out. The sweet sunlit scent of raspberries satiated him.


He sighed again, his arms wrapping around the half-naked body under him. His lips pressed against hot skin. He trailed kisses up Blaine’s throat, mouthing over the motion of his Adam’s apple. He kissed along his jaw, relishing the simultaneous sweep of Blaine’s warm hands along his spine. Their lips found one another as cool hands tugged his pants off and discarded them. Kurt smiled into the kiss, his legs somehow beyond his control, were spread apart.

He could feel Cooper between them, his hands massaging him, his thumbs sweeping along his inner thighs. Kurt shifted to feel more of him, wanting his fingers again. Blaine’s hips moved in concert, following him, and Kurt understood the reaction he was having on the man beneath him.

Kurt broke off the kiss and watched Blaine emerge from the depths, dazed. Kurt’s breathing stuttered. He began to grind against the thick cock concealed in Blaine’s pants.

Blaine grunted in surprised ecstasy, his noises swallowed by another kiss.

Kurt’s body ran on instinct, the familiar sting of passion pushing him to drive his hips against Blaine. The man under him bucked in response, a warm hand grabbing at Kurt’s ass to move their bodies together.

“Please, please, please…” Kurt whispered fervently between kisses, whining when Cooper pulled at his hip, tugging his ass upward.

Cooper snorted in amusement and bit playfully at one of Kurt’s cheeks.

“Oh,” Kurt trilled. He moaned as Cooper’s tongue licked along his moist pussy, breathing hard once Cooper began to tease his cunt mercilessly.

Kurt’s hands framed Blaine’s blissful face. He had to tear his eyes away from Blaine’s honeyed depths, concentrating instead on the plush pink of his lips. He kissed Blaine once more, thrilled at being with two men that he adored.


Blaine’s head was spinning. This was everything that he’d fantasized about.

Being with Kurt was heaven; his weight pressing Blaine into the couch cushions, his eager mouth, the smell of his soft skin. This was everything he’d wanted.

Kurt moaned deliciously into Blaine’s mouth, his chest heaving, his hips twitching back and forth.

Okay. Almost everything that Blaine had wanted.

It hadn’t escaped him that Cooper was still Kurt’s boyfriend, and that he was taking part in whatever was happening here. His brother was clearly doing something wonderful to make Kurt sound like that.

Blaine tightened his hold, his arms wrapping around Kurt’s back while Kurt sucked on his lower lip, whimpering as his body convulsed.

“He’s gonna come,” Cooper panted, muffled from somewhere between their legs. He didn’t speak again. The wet noises of him sucking and licking at Kurt were enough to know what was happening.

“Oh!” Kurt gasped, his head snapping up. His bright blue-green eyes widened. He looked down at Blaine, his mouth hanging open, staring straight through him for a split second before focusing wholly on Blaine’s gaze.

“Fu-uu-ck,” he whimpered, riding out his orgasm with his eyes locked on Blaine. “OH,” Kurt breathed out, his voice deeper than Blaine had ever heard it. His gaze changed, stark hunger overtaking his features and Blaine almost startled but couldn’t - didn’t want to - move. Instead he waited willingly to be utterly devoured.

When the kiss came, Blaine lost himself in it; spinning, falling, holding tight to Kurt until he became conscious again.

Kurt’s body slumped on him and suddenly, Blaine was on a knife’s edge, his cock stiff and straining between them. The hairs across his forearms stood up on end and his stomach muscles tensed. His hips shifted, rocking against Kurt.

“Mmmm. You’re so big,” Kurt murmured.

With his eyes still shut, Blaine’s nostrils flared. He yearned to be touched. He opened his mouth and pulled in a deep breath, ready to ask for more. But all of a sudden, the pressure was off. His hands slid free and Kurt’s hips were dragged upward, leaving nothing but cool air between them. Blaine’s eyelids cracked open, a frown forming at the unexpected loss.

“Oh,” Kurt whimpered hungrily. He held himself up on his hands, his body jolting.

Blaine’s hazy brain finally caught up with what was going on.

“Uh. Fuck, yeah,” Kurt grunted. He caught Blaine’s gaze for a moment and tossed his head back, his chest heaving as Cooper fucked into him again.

“He likes being watched. Don’t cha, babe?”

Kurt’s chin dropped to his chest, enjoying every thrust. He made eye contact with Blaine again and held it this time. He hummed in agreement, and then licked his lips. “You like watching me too,” he said huskily. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Hm? Blaine?”

Blaine’s hands found a new home, stroking along the straining muscles of Kurt’s arms.

“You like watching me,” Kurt said, matching the rhythm, his body bouncing off of Cooper’s body.

Blaine’s mouth went dry. He let out a shaky breath, wanting to confess that he did.

“You like it…watching me get fucked. Watching me take his cock.”

Blaine blinked and shook his head minutely. His mouth moved but no sound came out.

“No?” Kurt leaned in closer, forcing Cooper to shift as well until Blaine could feel his older brother’s knees nudge against his own thighs.

Kurt made a small hungry noise of realization. “You want it to be you.”

Blaine shivered and swallowed hard, his mouth opening to accept Kurt’s lunging kiss. He licked in; his tongue gentle, soft, caressing Kurt’s until he broke away.

“I want that too. I want you,” Kurt panted. “I want you to fuck me.” Blaine whimpered, his hips surging upward. “I want to feel your cock in me. So big. Gonna fill me right up.”

His hands clutched at Kurt’s sides, wanting to pull him down, wanting to feel him, wanting to fuck him.

“Touch me, Blaine,” Kurt whined. “Touch me.”

Blaine stretched upwards to kiss him again. His hands smoothed down Kurt’s silky skin, following the contour of his hips. They skated outward, stretching out to squeeze Kurt’s cheeks. His fingertips brushed against Cooper’s. Blaine hesitated. Cooper had a firm grip on Kurt, holding him open to fuck into.

His curiosity got the best of him. On some level he did want to see them together. He craned his neck, trying to peer over Kurt’s shoulder.

Cooper’s muscular arms strained to keep a hold of Kurt’s eager body. Blaine had to admire Cooper’s shirtless, broad chest and shoulders.

His older brother had always been so much larger than him. It excited him - the idea of being under someone so strong. That they could just, take him if they wanted to. That he might be almost powerless to stop someone like that. It wasn’t even about Cooper per se. The idea of being in that position sent Blaine’s body into overdrive. And okay, there might have been more than one instance that summer when Cooper had caught him jerking off that had colored his fantasies of a strapping, solid someone over top of him. But in this moment, it was the combination of Cooper’s raw physicality and Kurt’s passionate intensity which sent another surge of pure want up through Blaine’s groin.

“Lemme see it,” Kurt panted. “Show it to me, Blaine. Wanna see your cock. Show me, show me.”

Blaine blinked at him, abruptly struck dumb at the idea of Kurt touching him, of Kurt throwing caution to the wind and crawling off Cooper’s cock to settle on his own. The obscene image triggered a surge of slick pre-come to spill over the swollen cap of his cock. Blaine’s fingers scrambled to free himself, his eyelashes fluttering closed as cool air rushed over his sticky skin. He wrapped a sweaty palm around his over-heated shaft. He heard Kurt gasp. Raw desire rippled over his shivering skin and Blaine thumbed over the slippery head, his body reveling at Kurt’s whimpers.

“Need you. Need you to fuck me. God. Fuck. Fucking huge. Need it, need it.”

Blaine’s heavy lids wouldn’t open. “Uh,” he mumbled in a stupor, his head rolling from side to side. He couldn’t take this anymore. Kurt was so close but so far away.

“Kurt,” he called hoarsely. He was going to come. He needed to look at him again. Wanted those electric eyes to see him. But his eyes screwed shut as Kurt’s mouth crashed into his, teeth and tongue, groans and grunts, chests heaving and Blaine’s hand racing.

“I want-” Kurt panted “Oh my god,” he sobbed. “I want…want- Oh!” Kurt’s body quaked as another orgasm rolled through him.

“Ho-oh! God!” Cooper crowed. “Jesus. Fuck!”

The bodies above Blaine stilled.

His chest heaved in the quiet.

Overheated and sweaty, Blaine was abruptly sandwiched between Kurt and the couch. Chimes jangled in the distance. He couldn’t understand the sound. Blood was still buzzing under his skin; the air thick in his lungs.

Blaine pried open his heavy eyes to watch Kurt blink heavily and sink down on him. Kurt’s nose pressed against Blaine’s throat as the cushions beneath them recoiled with Cooper’s movement.

The world turned in slow motion as Blaine’s eyes followed his brother, watching Cooper’s bare feet sink into the thick carpet, watching him stretch his toes, watching him stumble towards the crescendo of chiming. His head couldn’t make sense of what was happening.

Cooper said something, but it was lost because Kurt shifted his weight and nuzzled into the crook of Blaine’s neck.

“Wha-?” Blaine croaked.

Kurt simply sighed while his fingers stroked over Blaine’s chest.

Keys rattled above him, stealing Blaine’s attention again. Cooper stood there frantically tucking his half-buttoned shirt into unzipped pants.

“I said, Janine Delgato’s in labor with prolapsed uterus. I gotta go.” Cooper ran a careless hand through his disheveled hair. “Take care of him for me, would ya?”

Blaine stared at his brother as if in a stupor.

Of course. Always.

Except he’d forgotten how to make his mouth work, so Blaine said exactly nothing.

“I will.” Kurt’s head rose a little, a sweet smile on his face. He puckered his lips and hummed as Cooper swiftly kissed them.

Seconds later the front door shut but Blaine was oblivious, listening instead to Kurt murmuring something about a shower.


“You’re just so…” Kurt lost his train of thought under the running water, distracted by Blaine’s parted plush lips. “Kiss me,” he suggested, crowding Blaine.

His arm slung around the back of Blaine’s neck as a tongue surged into his mouth.

He grunted when his back met the wall, Blaine pressing their bodies together. Rivulets of water ran down the backs of Kurt’s thighs, tickling him, while the velvet heat of Blaine’s cock trapped against his belly taunted him.


Kurt made a show of sucking Blaine’s cock. Not that he needed to because those sensually sunlit eyes tracked his every move. Kurt knew he could simply sit there and take a deep breath, and it would send Blaine into overdrive. But Kurt wanted to see more of this side of Blaine - out of control and unfiltered.

The wet slurp as he sucked the thick shaft back into his mouth was drowned out by a guttural groan, and Blaine dropped back to the bed. Blaine’s warm hand reached for him, groping at Kurt’s fingers splayed across his abdomen. Kurt’s nose pressed harder against his skin.

“Oh my god. Ohmigod,” Blaine panted out his prayers to the ceiling. “Oh!” His hips rolled while Kurt kept himself in place, letting the fat tip block his airway for several seconds. “Je-sus,” Blaine agonized.


“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this…”

Their lips met again. Hands clutching at each other.

“How much I’ve wanted you.”

Blaine swallowed hard, watching Kurt’s face as his cock pushed inside. Kurt’s breath caught in his chest, and Blaine gasped at both the sensation and at the beautifully vulnerable look on Kurt’s face. Their eyes locked, their bodies moving with each other. Every thrust pulled them closer, their mouths crashing together. His nose soon nudged behind Kurt’s ear with every powerful drive of his hips. “Oh my- Kurt.”

Kurt sobbed with delight into the crook of Blaine’s neck. His teeth grazing Blaine’s shoulder in between hungry noises, wanting more.


Blaine lay on his back staring up with wonder as Kurt’s body rocked on top of him. His hands slipped from Kurt’s hips, where they’d been resting, and traversed his strong thighs. Blaine grabbed at his ass, feeling the muscles bunching beneath his fingers. The silken suck of Kurt’s pussy stirred him in unexpected ways. With fingers full of cheeks, the slide of Kurt on his cock became effortless.

Blaine’s eyes stung. But he couldn’t bear to close them and lose the sight of Kurt - utterly glorious, triumphant and dominant - working his body on Blaine’s, getting exactly what he wanted, and giving it back to Blaine all at once.


He breathed out in awe, his mouth soft.

I’m in love with you.


Kurt pressed a quiet kiss to Blaine’s shoulder, the corner of his mouth curling into a smile as Blaine stroked a thumb over the back of his hand. They lay silently, the sheets rumpled at their feet.

He sighed with utter satisfaction, looking at Blaine’s handsome face. Smiling, dreamy amber eyes found his gaze.


Kurt swallowed hard, trying to push an overwhelming swell of affection down. His eyes flitted downward. His lower lip quivered. He closed his eyes to try to pull himself together.


Blaine’s hand cupped his cheek, and Kurt leaned into the fond touch. But he couldn’t bear to open his eyes and lose the feeling of love that was swamping him - that had overturned everything they’d known - and left them swirling in silent eddies around each other.

“I’m so much more than okay,” he whispered hoarsely.

I never knew it could be like this.

A gentle kiss was placed to the tip of his up-swept nose. A silly pleased smile splashed across Kurt’s face. His eyes fluttered open just in time to find Blaine’s mouth pressing in against his own.

With lips soft and slow, moving together with tongue and tenderness, they shared all the things they couldn’t say out loud.


Blaine edged his way off his bed, hoping not to wake Kurt.

Under the harsh bathroom lights, he stared at his reflection and wondered how the hell he’d gotten here.

He didn’t want to break anyone’s heart - least of all, his own.

He had to speak with Cooper. He had to tell him.


Part 18>>

media: fanfic, glee, nc-17, gkm fill, glee: natural selection, genre: smut, blaine anderson, kurt hummel, cooper anderson

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