Jul 27, 2007 08:30
Good news! Daisy is better:) YAY!
So my flock suddenly has cravings for watermelon. They beg worse than a dog:) So last night I cut myself a slab of watermelon and head out to the porch cuz I didn't want to drip in the house. Of course all the ducks and Lucy come over and start jumping for the watermelon and quacking and squaking loudly. I'll eat most of the red off then hold the rhine out for them to nibble on. Well they fight like no other! So I would throw the rhine and they would run after it and chase eachother around the yard. Well one time my tempermental Lucy grabbed a hold of Daisy by the wing and wouldn't let go so I yelled and gave Lucy a little shove. Well she turned around and looked at me then sidestepped away form me like I took away her best friend. So I called her name and tried to give her her very own piece of watermelon and she wouldn't have any of it. She looked at me one last time and bee-lined for the garage. She was SO mad at me. I finally got her to come around but boy did I get the guilt trip form her! A bit later, Ry came out of the house with his helmet on and Lucy walked over and hissed at him! It was SOOOOO funny:):)