Click to view Rivers Crew studio cribs episode.
Peter is narrating this video since Loan is in the States and Lee is currently battling at BOTY Germany. What's funny is that my online viewers are already asking for Lee to comeback to redo the scene, haha. Sorry Peter, hahaha. Although he didn't do a bad job, especially for having this be his first time ever at the studio. And...someone had requested for Lee's "sister" to do the interview, haha.
Also, congrats to my friends at Gamblerz for winning BOTY this year! Yeaaaahh son! They've been practicing hard, especially after their "disappointing" performance at R16.
and I'm off to the 3v3 jam. I like how many of these Korean jams, such as this one, have no cover charge, yet carry a ridiculous prize money such as $3,000. Korea's spoiling bboys.