Apr 20, 2006 11:52
graduation is almost a month away exactly.
that intimidates me more than i expected... but i'm just gonna sit with it for awhile...
so i was doing really well with this whole "drama-free" thing. REALLY well.
and then the person who inspired the drama free thing in the first place had to go and bring in some drama. what's with that?
i'm alright. no, scratch that, i'm fabulous. my life is where i want it right now and i'm living up my last few weeks on campus. i'm done with my senior portfolio and all my other major assignments, i just have a few more papers to finish, a presentation, and two finals. seriously. that's it. oh, except for that whole recital thing. dammit. that's stressing me out a bit, but mostly because i'm so excited about it and have no time to practice this week. argh. come see it. that'll make me feel better.
may 11th. 7:30pm. wine recital hall.
but anyway, as i was saying... life is good right now. i have no idea where i'm living this summer or next year... i know where i want to live but have to work out all the details. and while that's a bit frustrating, it's also awfully exciting. i'm a grown-up. a grown-up that's running off to live with her best friend's parents for a summer and then come right back to campus for a poorly paying but awesome job. *sigh* is that really the grown-up thing to do with my life? who knows.... but for right now it sounds perfect.
so yeah. unwanted drama and all, i'm happy.
can i add that weird things are happening all around me, though?
my ex-boyfriend had a baby.
my other ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend got a boob job.
another ex-boyfriend has some crazy patterns going on... oh, but wait, yet another is struggling to accept the patterns in his life that really aren't so crazy.
one of my dearest friends who has always been such a stability factor in my life is struggling. i hate to watch it and would do anything to make it better... he just deserves so much better.
people keep getting engaged.
life just moves so quickly... strange strange strange. and when did i end up with so many exes? hehehe. i don't mind. makes me feel like i've accomplished something in life. hah. that's ironic.
the inn was awesome last night. spent some quality time with people i care about quite a bit. always a fun thing to drink with paul. we just go way back through such a variety of times... weird.
okay, i've had too much coffee this morning to be posting. before i'm done you'll all know everything there is to know about me and more. darnit... no mysteries with myra ;-)
love to all. and just a head's up: i'm craving hugs, so if i jump you around campus, don't be surprised. :-)