Forever Rachel

May 10, 2005 16:14

Hmm...what to say about today. Overall, a fairly boring day. Nothing major happened, but then again, when does something interesting happen at Ledyard.

We had a sub again in Algebra today. Kinda odd. Mrs. O'Farrell is usually there, and if she isnt, she's usually back the next day. So we did some busy work for the whole class. Boy, that busy work sure kept us busy. Quite beastly if I do say so myself. Our sub was cool though. Mr. Belcher is one nice guy. He's also quite the math whiz.

Mr. Lentz came in during Chem to encourage us to take AP Bio, which I wasnt considering on doing, but now I kinda am. If I pass it, I can be exempt from taking bio or a lab science class in college. That'd be nice considering I hate science with a passion. Maybe I'll take it my senior year just to get it down with. And if they still make me take a science, I'll go into college with a few credits already down. Schweet! But Chem, man oh man, boring as usual. We had to make examples of tetrahedral bent and octahedral molecular diagram thingies. I got to put mine on the board, and he said mine was an excellent example. So that kinda made me happy, since I had no idea what I was doing. But good good none the less.

I was going to buy a "Forever Rachel" wristband during lunch to support Rachel's fund, but I didnt have any money, so I'll probably do that tomorrow. I guess I cant really grasp the fact that she's dead. I didnt really know her, but its still such a shock when I actually sit down and think about it. I probably felt that way today becuase in art we were looking at pictures of her, since two her good friends were in that class. It must be weird to look at a picture of your best friend and realize you'll never even see them again. I cant even imagine a feeling like that. I think Rachel's death made our whole school realize that just becuase we're young, doesnt mean we're going to live forever. I hate losing that feeling. Its just so scary to think that tomorrow it might be Brittany, or Kaysee, or even Kyle that dies. Blah...I hope Rachels family is doing better, and I'll be sure to help her charity out tomorrow. :)

Art was great! I got to transfer my picture onto my canvas and layed down the basecoats for the colors. I had to do three layers of red for the walls though because I have to build it up to a brighter color since I'm mimicking Matisse's style of art. It looks pretty nice though, even though I've only layed out the colors for like two things. The only thing I would change was putting the black gesso on my canvas instead of the white. I didnt realize that the black would dull down my colors so much. It just means I'll have to layer more to achieve the brighter values. I love working with the acrylics. I've been waiting for it all year.

I've never felt so dumb before in my life than how I felt in spanish today. We had to tape our little skits, and me and Tara were out in the hallway waiting to be filmed (and we were holding the dumbest boat puppets ever, which didnt help us not looking stupid) and right when we're starting to film, this group of people comes down the hallway. And of course they have to wait for us to finish since they cant walk in front of the camera. So we basically performed for them...oh man. Me and Tara started laughing so much when they were showing up. I doubt the teacher will be able to understand us through the giggles.

I hate staying after school so much. I had to stay after to retake a chemistry test. The essays weren't too bad, but the multiple choice was beastly!!! Usually multiple choice is the easiest thing ever, but Mr. Douglass makes it so tricky. Blarg to him...

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  Just when you thought you lost everything, you find out that you could lose a little more

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