slow weight gain and supplement

Jul 04, 2010 14:01

The more I hear about babies with slow weight gain, the more grateful I am to our pediatrician. Connor was a slow gainer, and there was never pressure to supplement or any suggestion that there was something wrong. It was simply accepted that Connor didn't weigh as much as some other kids his age. Why do doctors feel the need to make women worry. I believe that if a child is not dehydrated and is alert, happy, and meeting milestones, there is no need to harp on weight. America is a nation full of overweight people; could some of the problem have come from the pressure many mothers feel when their children are not gaining fast enough. If mothers are "forced" to give their children extra food to meet some magical weight gain standard, maybe they are teaching the children at a very young age to ignore their natural cues that tell them when they are full. Could enough of this forced extra feeding cause a baby to no longer know when s/he is full? Did this lead to a generation of adults who don't or can't listen to their body cues?
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