I've been waiting! I knew I wasn't the only fangirl out there to see Captain America this weekend and all day yesterday I was thinking, "Where are the reactions?!" Here we are! :-)
Let me just put it out there that I'm not a comic book fan/follower, so what's cannon/not cannon doesn't really affect me. I just enjoy superhero movies. That's why I love the perspective of someone like you who knows more about the source material so I can geek out about what makes you flail.
It's no secret that the rumor of Jensen possibly being cast as Cap had me gleeful, and I've harbored some resentment toward Chris Evans about it. I'm over that. He. Was. Perfect! This is my superhero! The whole optimistic, Boy Scout with a job to do WORKS for me! I'm desperately exctied for him to come face to face with Tony Stark.
I want the next movie to be four hours long. There is too much to accurately address in a two hour movie.
When Cap rescued the POWs it did catch my attention that there were various PoC in the mix. I actually thought in my brain..."This isn't a Vietnam movie, what's that black guy doing there?" It's sad, I know. But then they just rolled with it and so did I.
Even as the movie was ending and Steve was talking to Peggy, I was doing the math in my head and it breaks my heart that no one he would've known will be alive in 2011. *sadness* I can't wait. I can't wait to see them do the Avengers. They'd better do it right!
YAY MORE FANGIRLS. I could only get a couple of people to squee with me on AIM.
RE: Not a comic fangirl We tease clex_monkie89 because she is a DC fan and you almost need to be a fan to follow the DC movies. Marvel has been very good at just opening the vault to the filmmakers and saying "Take what you want, feel free to make up, twist or bend as needed."
This is so awesome because you don't NEED to be a fan to enjoy the movie as a superhero movie. And the "in" jokes and references are not so sly that you can't catch up with a wiki read through.
RE: Jensen See - I never really paid attention to the Jensen rumor, because the first I heard about it was when he said it was never true. LOL. But Jensen does "broken" so well, and I don't think of Cap as broken - so yeah, never bothered me.
RE: Boy Scout with a job to do Yes. This works for me too. (Cap is often referred to as a Boy Scout in the books, btw.)
Re: I'm desperately exctied for him to come face to face with Tony Stark. You and the rest of the Marvel internet, baby. OMG CANNOT WAIT. In the panel where we got you so confused and I couldn't shut up to the point where they made go sit up front?
That was Cap and Iron Man. They are canon BFF and when they broke up - THE WORLD ENDED. LOL.
Re: Avengers Movie I'm a little worried that it's going to be shoehorned myself. I'm hoping it's just 2 hours of intro and 20 min of fighting Loki. Or something. I am so torn. I don't want it to be boring - but I DON'T WANT TO SKIP ANYTHING.
Re: PoC When I saw them in the Hydra cells - I thought "so wait. Hydra has been stealing the Tuskeegee pilots they shoot down?" And then I was SO WORRIED that they would all die getting out of the camp. So when they made it to camp and then all milled around - I was thrown for a second and then I kinda loved them for the attempt.
Re: The Ending Yeah - I did the same math. They messed with Howard Stark a little. Because they showed him in Iron Man 2 at the 1974 World's Fair. So I'm guessing that during WWII, Howard is supposed to be in his early 20s and that Tony Stark is born in 1965 with RDJ.
This means that even the children of Cap's friends are older than he is. OMG FLAIL.
Let me just put it out there that I'm not a comic book fan/follower, so what's cannon/not cannon doesn't really affect me. I just enjoy superhero movies. That's why I love the perspective of someone like you who knows more about the source material so I can geek out about what makes you flail.
It's no secret that the rumor of Jensen possibly being cast as Cap had me gleeful, and I've harbored some resentment toward Chris Evans about it. I'm over that. He. Was. Perfect! This is my superhero! The whole optimistic, Boy Scout with a job to do WORKS for me! I'm desperately exctied for him to come face to face with Tony Stark.
I want the next movie to be four hours long. There is too much to accurately address in a two hour movie.
When Cap rescued the POWs it did catch my attention that there were various PoC in the mix. I actually thought in my brain..."This isn't a Vietnam movie, what's that black guy doing there?" It's sad, I know. But then they just rolled with it and so did I.
Even as the movie was ending and Steve was talking to Peggy, I was doing the math in my head and it breaks my heart that no one he would've known will be alive in 2011. *sadness* I can't wait. I can't wait to see them do the Avengers. They'd better do it right!
RE: Not a comic fangirl
We tease clex_monkie89 because she is a DC fan and you almost need to be a fan to follow the DC movies. Marvel has been very good at just opening the vault to the filmmakers and saying "Take what you want, feel free to make up, twist or bend as needed."
This is so awesome because you don't NEED to be a fan to enjoy the movie as a superhero movie. And the "in" jokes and references are not so sly that you can't catch up with a wiki read through.
RE: Jensen
See - I never really paid attention to the Jensen rumor, because the first I heard about it was when he said it was never true. LOL. But Jensen does "broken" so well, and I don't think of Cap as broken - so yeah, never bothered me.
RE: Boy Scout with a job to do
Yes. This works for me too. (Cap is often referred to as a Boy Scout in the books, btw.)
Re: I'm desperately exctied for him to come face to face with Tony Stark.
You and the rest of the Marvel internet, baby. OMG CANNOT WAIT. In the panel where we got you so confused and I couldn't shut up to the point where they made go sit up front?
That was Cap and Iron Man. They are canon BFF and when they broke up - THE WORLD ENDED. LOL.
Re: Avengers Movie
I'm a little worried that it's going to be shoehorned myself. I'm hoping it's just 2 hours of intro and 20 min of fighting Loki. Or something. I am so torn. I don't want it to be boring - but I DON'T WANT TO SKIP ANYTHING.
Re: PoC
When I saw them in the Hydra cells - I thought "so wait. Hydra has been stealing the Tuskeegee pilots they shoot down?" And then I was SO WORRIED that they would all die getting out of the camp. So when they made it to camp and then all milled around - I was thrown for a second and then I kinda loved them for the attempt.
Re: The Ending
Yeah - I did the same math. They messed with Howard Stark a little. Because they showed him in Iron Man 2 at the 1974 World's Fair. So I'm guessing that during WWII, Howard is supposed to be in his early 20s and that Tony Stark is born in 1965 with RDJ.
This means that even the children of Cap's friends are older than he is. OMG FLAIL.
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