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Comments 3

idsharman March 21 2010, 20:53:26 UTC
It would be mean to point out that I was born in 1976, wouldn't it? :P


koslorollo March 22 2010, 01:07:01 UTC
My brother's a "Bicentennial Baby" - heh. :) I always liked getting the bicentennial quarters through various shop-jobs I've had.

Challenger, yes I remember that. Definitely a "Where were you when…" moment. Before the world was saturated with far too many all-news channels, and now we're just inundated and everything negative (or positive) is as expected as tomorrow's forecast.

Thanks for posting your responses. Very thought-provoking!


fuzzybluemonkey March 22 2010, 01:11:54 UTC
Um.. something that happened in the 80s? I guess? (born in '83)
I sorta remember the Bush vs. Dukakis election because we had this "Weekly Reader" magazine thingy where you checked off your vote, and I voted for Dukakis because my parents started indoctrinating me in their liberal ways at a young age. Of course, now I'm even more liberal than they are.
Also? Dukakis is totally fun to say.


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