502 Squee and meta

Sep 19, 2009 23:12

Did I like it?: Hell yeah.
Song of the moment: For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield

I feel so ashamed. *I* of all people did not catch the "Good God Yall" shout out to War until Wednesday night and ONLY BECAUSE THE SONG CAME ON. Then I was supposed to chat while it was on but didn't because I had a pet emergency so I thought I wouldn't have as much to say about this episode as I did Sympathy for the Devil.

But I was wrong. The Spoiler Version has over 3800 Words. DO NOT CLICK THERE IF YOU ARE NOT SPOILED.

Click the cut for the spoiler free version. Or run screaming. Because OH WAS I WRONG.

Foreigner's Long, Long Way from Home. Oh wow. This was actually on my Sam s4 mix! It is just SUCH a perfect fit for an episode that is about him dealing with the aftermath.
I'm looking out for the two of us
I hope we'll be here when they're through with us
The Great Justification For Everything. "I did it all for you." He convinced himself that he needed to protect Dean. And going through the season 4 DVDs - you can see it in Lazarus Rising. Ruby's baiting the trap - offering to step back and not get between the brothers. And Sam falls right into it. Dean doesn't have his game back yet. If Dean did, he would have gone after the diner full of demons when he had the chance. I *have* to do it.

I was inside looking outside at the millions of faces
But still I'm alone
Because that's what he did. Sam was so panicked at the idea of being left alone - of not being safe - of not being strong enough - not being in control. That he pushed himself to the point where he's now more alone, weaker and more out of control than he's ever been. And not only is he not safe, no one else is either.

Waiting, hours of waiting - Paying a penance
I was longing for home
And now in Season 5, it's Sam that needs to know his brother can trust him. The one that needs the family. Because people (most notably diehard SamGirls) have said it since Season 1. Sam may take his family for granted but it's not because he doesn't value it. It's because it is THE one thing he has faith in. And it is a faith so strong that he can't even see it. It's like telling him the ground is solid. Of course it is. Sam has his family everywhere he goes. He doesn't need to have it proven to him. (That's Dean's mental hiccup.)

And that's how he got caught. Because it was all stripped away and instead of solid ground - he was drowning. So of course he clung to Ruby, believed in Ruby, and probably even loved her in some fashion. He believed her to be family. Because Family cannot lie.

And he's still in denial at the beginning that his family's broken now. Beaten and down - of course. In a world full of trouble. But still his family.

Ahem. I haven't even gotten to the episode yet.

OPENER: Bobby and Castiel
Three days later and Dean is still finding his footing. The world is ending! Shouldn't he have something to do? I think he's going stir crazy. So he gets the xrays - which... wow. I was idly wondering when Cas said he was carving them on their ribs - "What if they break a rib? Will it break the seal?"

Apparently, no. They get THAT many bones broken, they'll have bigger worries than angels seeing them.

I LOVE CASTIEL HERE. I love that he's is only soft spoken with Bobby. Bobby who tried to help and now Cas is helpless to help him. I love the anguish that gives Castiel. Bobby of course is in his own world of denial and pain. He's watched for YEARS as others make it through things and come out of it with a great bar story. Why him? Why do the rules suddenly have to apply when it's HIM?

That Jim Beaver guy's kinda good. He should maybe think about making this acting thing a career. ;P

Castiel and the boys (and though that's how I see this scene - it's not how I see the show and I'm not sure why people are panicked about it) - Castiel CALLS THEM! THEY CAN HAVE AN ANGEL ON SPEED DIAL!!!! I'm with the mishalandians though. I want the flashback where Castiel is asking random people if they know the Winchesters, someone suggests calling them, someone EXPLAINS THE CELLPHONE PLAN to him AND helps him pick out a cell phone. And I also love that he can find Sam's phone number.

You let forth Lucifer ONCE and everyone's got your number.

ahem. Show.

I love that Dean is on Cas' last nerve - and angels literally have the patience of a saint. THEY ARE ON A GODQUEST! DO NOT MOCK THE GODQUEST DEAN!

Cas bet it all and lost the farm - and he is pissed. I just love how his first reaction is "OMG! Ana had sex! Uriel killed everyone! Zach lied! AND THEN BLEW ME THE FUCK UP! And now you're giving me attitude!? I AM TELLING DAD!!!!"

He's a divine being throwing a temper tantrum. It promises to be quite entertaining.

Also? I love how he considers whether God is on a piece of flat bread before answering. Like that might not be the weirdest place to start looking. Or even better - like he's angel-scanning all the flat bread in New Mexico and THEN answering.

And then it's Bobby who calms him down again. Like I said looooove that dynamic.

Dean's Amulet. That was something of a shock. And oddly, I don't particularly care. I certainly couldn't give a shit about the teeth gnashing going on about it. It just kinda makes sense to me and just IS. People are making it Dean/Castiel vs Dean/Sam and I think have lost sight that the writers are not EITHER ship. They aren't slashing this show at ALL. I don't and my only impression of the scene was "Hee. Dean can't say 'no' without having to say aloud what his feelings are. He's just Don't. Lose. It."

I do wonder if it's always been a GodEMF or if it's because it's an atheist's symbol of faith.

I wanna know what happened with Bobby and Rufus. Cause Rufus sends out the mayday without thinking.

ARRIVAL INTO TOWN: Come with us if you want to live.
The world we know, but not. This is SUCH a Terminator vibe to me. I'm sure it's supposed to be 28 Days Later - but that movie ALSO felt like Terminator to me. I have no idea why. First of all - the bridge shot? Is just fucking gorgeous. And then?

Spirit in the Sky. A song about Jesus written by a Jewish jug band boy. This is now my song related to Eric Kripke.
Prepare yourself you know it's a must - Gotta have a friend in Jesus
So you know that when you die, He's gonna recommend you to the spirit in the sky
Sam and Dean are on their own Godquest - they just don't know it. And the rock music on this show has NEVER lied. The boys must prepare for this War. And when they do finally figure out the answer - it is very "turn the other cheek".

But the bouncy happy song in deserted war torn town? *flails* I love my show.

I love it. (Have you sensed a theme yet?) From her assumption that Dean must be a demon to her taking them to the other sided of a closed door, devil's trap and salt line and THEN giving them a piece of her mind.

Ellen > us.

And even Sam gets the smackdown - albeit silently
Sam's Face: smirk
Ellen's Face: oh? You find something funny here, I-don't-bother-to-call-after-my-brother-comes-back-from-the-dead?
Sam's Face: oh shit. No, ma'am, sorry, ma'am, HeTotallyWouldn'tLetMeIWantedToReally PleaseStopGlaringAtMe
Ellen's Face: Didn't think so.

And then she has it confirmed that this is the End. No one's getting out of here alive.

Well except for the people's she's saved. Because that's what hunters do. They keep fighting even when they shouldn't. In Season 2, Gordon Walker twisted this. He started killing innocents to keep the bad things from having an interest. I like this reverse back. In Season 1, the other hunters were whispers and rumors of hope and salvation. I like that they've gone back to that. I love the humanity of that. In the end nothing else matters and we are ALL part of the same human family.

ooo... lookit that. War's the first one to mention black eyes and the paranormal. He's been greasing the wheels. When the hunters show up and provided an excuse to kill everyone, he gave them Roger. Look, a normal guy believes them. I'll believe them too. People here are just like Sam. They're convinced there's a reason external to themselves.

Sam's still fighting it. Projecting it. Dean doesn't trust him. Therefore the problem is still external. It's easily fixed. He just has to make Dean trust him. He's expecting it to be a checklist. "I'll do ... say - 4 scouts by myself. Then a joint hunt. I'll save X amount of people. Then it'll be ok."

Redemption isn't that simple and Sam's still unwilling to give up control. Dean doesn't get to decide when he trusts Sam. Sam will force it and have the conversations when he wants to.

He's controlling the patrol, divvying up the jobs, insisting on the split. And then he's confronted with it.

Everything was done as he wanted and he's still there. Alone with no one but himself and nothing but blood. And as blackcat333_99 points out - he's so consumed by the addiction and the need to either control it or give into it that he misses it. The two people he kills aren't demons. There's no Demon Death Flash as he uses Ruby's knife on them.

Two more innocents he failed to save because he was too busy fighting his own battle to notice them.

But at least this time he's out of rationalizations. It hits him. He's killing kids and all he thinks about is the blood. It wasn't necessary. He just wanted it. And at the time, he wanted it MORE than he wanted to save the hosts.

Dean: Come on, Sam. You had to.
Sam: I know. I do. But it used to - I just wish that I could SAVE people. Like I used to.

The Family Business.

For all John's faults and his own internal demons - he managed to instill both parts of the family creed. Saving people; hunting things. They all periodically get caught up in the second part; but they have never lost sight of the first part. Until now. And even now, Sam's realizing it. This was how Ruby got to him. His need to save everyone alone. He's just not sure what to do with it.

Dean's got his own pain and issues and thinks he means the demon blood. He's wrong. Sam might be thinking along these lines trying to justify drinking more blood, but he did NOT drink the blood. He's figured out that it's a hollow excuse - he just struggling to find out what the truth actually is.

Dean: Why's it got to be you?

Because Sam's still in control, Dean. Don't you listen? Ok, sure, something's off. But Sam's got a handle on it. Right?

Sam: You think - after EVERYTHING - I haven't learned my lesson?
Dean: Well, have you?
And that's just too damn close to the truth and Sam strikes out. Deciding that he's mad at Dean rather than himself.

Ellen and Jo are hunting together. This just makes me happy. What makes me even happier is that they are GOOD. They are just as determined to save the other as the Winchesters ever were and they are just as good at believing blindly in the other. Ellen figures it out because Jo tries to save her.

Holy shit, guys. Did you make it this far? I so owe you chocolate. Claim it in the comments.


It's so well played. The growing WTFedness on all sides. No wonder War can't help getting a closer look. They are going to SAVE each other to death! War's got to feel so proud. And Sam's finally got something external to hold on to. He's figured out Rufus and Jo think they're saving him.

I know people got upset that Dean doesn't go after Sam. I think mrscutedean says it best - "I don't WANT a show about emotionally healthy individuals." I am so torn. I LOVE my codependent broken boys. But also? A little over it. One of the things that has made me love this show more than any other in ages is the character growth. Our boys learn. And as a former XPhile? You don't know how much that means to me. So as long as I'm assured that they will still be fucked up in new but just as broken ways? I'm willing to go on faith here. #InKripkeWeTrust. For now.

At the very least it promises to be filled with wanton acts of unrepentant violence and goooooooooooooooore.

Besides - it doesn't come easy to Dean. Even after everything he knows - he can't just leave Sam. He's only willing to postpone it to plan. In the end, it's the best way to save his brother - to know what's going on. So he and Ellen figure it out.

I like the Ellen/Dean shippy moment. I don't ship it, but I love the moment.

Plus - Wait. Just back up. It's the APOCALYPSE?! LOL. The "I never got THAT email!" is implied. LOL


and Dean the Hunter!!!! HI HUNTER!DEAN! He's at least attempted to read Revelation. I have a feeling he's made a mental checklist - "If this and this happen - we're here. When this hits the news, we're at this point in the timeline."

And then the boys are hunting together even when they're not. It's like the scene in Usual Suspects - working the anagram together. We're being played. Sam's got the evidence in front of him and is following the same path. There are no demons. This is all Roger.


Dear Edwin Star - apparently he's good for some fairly decent snark and game show riddles. Now you know.

He's also good for sparking a music meta. He's turned the town into the Buffalo Springfield song!
There's something happening here - What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there - Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound - Everybody look what's going down

That's what he did. Chaos, disorder and panic. Shock and awe tatics. What's worse? He probably picked up the trick from humanity.

There's battle lines being drawn - Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
And that's what the Hunters figure out. They were so eager to fight something - but they were all wrong.

Sam: There aren't any demons in town, are there?
War: Nope. Just frightened people ripping each other's throats out. I really haven't had to do too much. Take out a bridge here, lay in a little hallucination there -- Sit back, pop some corn, watch the show.

Like the song says -
Paranoia strikes deep, Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.

And he turns it on Sam. There are no comforting platitudes anymore. War delights in showing Sam all the self deluded lies he's been telling himself.
War: You can't stop thinking about it -- Ever since you saw it dripping off the blade of that knife.
Sam: You're wrong.
War: Save your protests for your brother. I can see inside your head. And, man, it is one-track city in there. Blood, blood, blood. Lust. For power. Same as always. You want to be strong again. But not just strong - stronger than everybody.
Good intentions -- quick slide to hell, buddy boy. You feel bad now? Wait till you're thigh-deep in warm corpses. Because, my friend, I'm just getting started.

He strips the lies away and leaves Sam broken. Except he's not.

Because at the end of the day he's still Sam Mother Fucking Winchester. He doesn't like the truth, but damned if he's going to break under it. He'll deal. He doesn't know how. But he's sure as hell not going to just give up NOW and let the addiction win.

Then it's game on. War reveals himself to the Winchesters just because he can and then plants the final seeds. He even keeps trying to talk the others DOWN. Just so they can prove how far they've gone over the edge. "Are you SURE?"

Jo's actually a good hunter - she's just inexperienced. Her instincts are telling her something is off and she's questioning the pipe bombs. But people (Ellen) have been telling her for so long that she's not a hunter that she lets Rufus override her. But it's ok, because Dean and Ellen arrive and talk sense. I don't mind that we don't see Ellen convince Jo. Rufus is the harder sell and Dean *IS* one of the leads after all.

But it's just more about the Hunters. About Humanity's salvation. You can either fight the darkness or fight yourselves. It reminds me of the Season 5 X-Files (HI MR X). Resist or Serve.

Hunters choose to fight. Resist.

I could care less about the Canadian Actors About To Die. I care about the hunters and whether Sam and Dean can save them in time. And yes they can - because despite EVERYTHING they still hunt together. And it surprises even War. He thinks he can turn this. They don't give him the chance. Strike hard, strike FAST and stay focused.

They save Ellen. YAY BOYS.

OK. Mt Doom reference first. You know when the LotR movies came out? I do. They came out 2001-2003. During Sam's first years at college. So until I hear otherwise - this is the explanation for the "two years" comment in 2005's pilot. It had been two years and not four since they spoke because Sam and Dean saw Lord of the Rings together. (Shut up. I don't mock your tinhat. Don't mock mine.)

Ok. On to SAM. Jared rocks so hard here.

Sam's had time to process. It's not about the external stuff. It's not even about the motivation. "My intentions a good and it feels true."

Because it IS true. He really *is* doing this for the greater good. But the ends do not justify the means. And by taking all the control, he's lost it. He can't trust himself. And he's stopped looking outside.

Sam: The problem's me. How far I'll go.

Oh, Sam.

Sam: I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back because I'm dangerous.

Oh he's finally got it. And in the Winchester tradition, he's doing the wrong thing with the knowledge. Sam's now trying to go lick his wounds. He's not going to be allowed. You don't get to walk away that cleanly when you've screwed up that badly. But that he sees the need to regroup is such a good sign. And he's expecting it to hurt Dean and that hurts him too. That he has to hurt his brother AGAIN to find some peace. But he doesn't let it justify lying to Dean. And that is such a HUGE leap forward for Sam. To see that he's dangerous, to step back and to SAY that's what he's doing rather than choose a soothing lie to hide it.

I'm not as freaked out as some people. Cause I think I've got it. We're not back at Season 4. We're back at Season 1.

This is Scarecrow without the blow up. And I was expecting it to be a blow up. A fight. Not this quiet thing. I am sooooo happy. Character development!!!! Sam's not going to go from S1 to S4 Sam and now back to S1 Sam now that it's all over. He's going to be something different! I don't know what - but if it ends up hunting with his brother and saving people from the Apocalypse, I'm good. Still more KripkeGirl than DeanGirl apparently. Like I said, as long as they don't get TOO HEALTHY. They can be emotional fuck ups about something new.

I want to hug my television.


Dean's not wrong about worrying about Sam screwing up his hunt. He's wrong to let it, but he's not wrong that it is. This is just another version of the over protectiveness. Now instead of keeping Sam CLOSE to keep him safe; Dean's keeping him AWAY to keep him safe. Moron.

But I'm fairly certain that's what the next episode is. Sam learning that he doesn't get to sit this out. That the universe needs him and staying out of the fight is even more dangerous than being tempted by blood. "The Last Temptation of Sam Winchester".

Then it needs to be Dean's turn. Stop pushing your family away, Dean, you jackass. Just because you've FINALLY figured out you won't die if you're not spending every waking moment together doesn't mean that you SHOULD stay separated. MORON. Boys are stupid.

Oh wow. Lookit all that. I'm both appalled and impressed.

tvboyfriends, my thinky thoughts

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