MishaCon: Sunday Report

Mar 16, 2009 21:45

As I'm going to another con this week, I should probably finish talking about the one from last week!

Yeah, this was blurry LAST WEEK...  It's just a bunch of random images now...

Breakfast.  We got to the lobby FIRST dammit.  But we got sidetracked talking to one of the Creation volunteers.  She was originally from the neighborhood and was keeping us amused.  She had NO SLEEP and was running on pure adrenal rush.  It was great!  She told us about playing the "dancing monkey" to keep the fans from noticing Jim Beaver coming in.  Which was fine, except for reasons only known to him, Jim decided to come back out of the elevator and was spotted.  HA.

Then we went and waited for breakfast and still got an awesome table in the middle of the room.  The girls at our table were from the Support Supernatural site and they had SRZS CAMERAS and got amazing pictures.  We chatted and weesta  and laivine  were all animated and talking and generally being far too happy in the morning.  The actors came in a little late - which was understandable as it was quickly spreading that Jim got in at 3:30 to the lobby.

They did the breakfast the way they did the dessert party.  The stars come to your table rather that a q&a on the stage. My previous con experience came in handy.  Because they had a stage and they did NOT tell people to save a seat I quickly realized we were going to need to make room.    So I make a joke and wee and laivine were already at a gap and they were with their backs to the aisle.  They and the girls across from them starting joking and making room.  Which worked out as planned because now?  The only spaces are where we are by the aisle and in the narrow gap where the tables meet.  I don't think laivine was conscious of what we were doing - but I'm pretty sure wee was!!!  Age and Trechery will ALWAYS overcome Youth and Skill!!!!!!

So sure enough, the "scout" comes by and asks if we had an extra chair.  We say no and she instantly fixates on the gap between Wee and Laivine.  SCORE!    "Malik's next.  He'll want a chair to lean on."

O.M.F.G.  Charles Malik Whitfield is a fucking gorgeous man.  And I'm guessing a born again/saved/ or recently rediscovered his faith.  Because he just sees life as a spiritual journey.  He talked at length about a play he's producing in...  um. somewhere in Ohio?  I think and he's working to get it to NYC to get the artists seen by the NYC critics.  One of the ladies at the table is from there and he just BEAMED at her and started chatting.

That was when I noticed the tapping.  It amused me.  The handler with the talent has a watch.  They are supposed to stay for 2 minutes.  So at the one minute mark- the handler taps them.  Then they tapped them a second time to wrap up.

Malik totally ignored his tapper.  This was apparently not the first table he'd done that at because she rolled her eyes and started tapping non-stop.  But Malik was talking to the SPN Support ladies and would not be deterred!!!  So she tugged ON HIS WAISTBAND.

His only reaction was to look casually at her - "oh, is the time up?"  LOLZ

Um... Jim?  was next...  (totally steals a peek at wee's journal) yes, yes he was.  (And I was right - wee was on board with the "stars will have to sit here.  really.  it's the only logical thing" plan.)  Jim recognized or was recognized by someone who talked about his friend he'd blogged about.  Jim was sincerely just touched by the outpouring of support he could tap into online.  And we talked about how open he is on the blog and the internet in general.  He says he's just not the "keep it all in" to deal with things kind of guy.

Now laivine...  She'd been very quiet when Malik was there and spoke... oh about 2 words when Jim was there.  And then?  Misha Collins sat down, had his leg touching hers and just left it there.  He then turns to her makes eye contact and flashes a grin.  I was directly next to her and got just a little bit of the effect.  OMFG

She didn't say a word the entire time.

He then says hi to me and smiles and soon he's at a very quiet table of women all grinning like idiots and saying "Hi!"

Fortunately, weesta had made sure everyone had questions beforehand.  One of them had them written down.  This proved to be our saving grace.  She asked him if we were overwhelming.  He was really considering the question too.  He tends to do that with even the silly ones - I find it disconcerting and it makes me flail.

He finally decided that *we* didn't overwhelm him but he got rather puzzled and said, "But I just found out that this isn't all ... of you?"

Like he'd been lied to and that this? was the greatest possible number of people to gather for the SHOW.  Oh, Misha.  *pets*

They assured him there were PLENTY more.  And he looked around for them!!!!  Yes, Misha, they are all waiting to jump out and yell "SURPRISE!"

So I told him the breakfast was about a third of the attendees.  AND HE FUCKING COCKED HIS HEAD AND GAVE ME THE CONFUZZLED LOOK CASTIEL GAVE DEAN IN LAZARUS RIZING!!!!!  And said something like, "Really?  A third?"

I don't remember anything after that until Todd gets to the table.  He's been in friggin everything and is also - really, really cute.  He's a FANBOY!!!!  OMG!!!! He talked about spazzing out about being a Romulan pretending to be a Vulcan walking ON THE PLANET VULCAN and just making rockstar faces to himself.  He's like Gabe with a bigger fandom resume!!!  I love him and apparently don't get stunned into speechlessness.  Cause oh yeah - he's my people.

He's watching the show now!!!!  He and Traci both got into SPN as fans after being cast.  Traci has done RESEARCH.  She didn't know titles, but she could describe all the episodes in fangirl terms.  Hee.  Oh.

Randomly Inserted Saturday Memories....
I just remembered.  At Gabe's panel, he was talking about the benefits of his power over teleportation.  And how his power was better.  And the person who like teleportation said they could get off a crashing plane and he admitted they had a point.  So I blurted out that he could use his power to make the teleporter take him with him.  He was geekily thrilled with that solution.

I have no idea what made me remember that.

Anyway, I also just remembered that I got up and decided to ask Traci a question.  I have no idea WHY I thought this was a good idea.   I got up to the mic and everyone looked at me and I FREAKED.

And then the Pedo Bear saved me.

No. Really.

Ok, so it turned out to be Ted E Bear from Wishful Thinking - but my brain didn't make that connection at first sight.  But ANYWAYS!  The point is that it was so surreal that I managed to babble something at her in question form and she answered and I have no idea what it was.

*facepalm*  Let's never speak of that again, shall we?

Where was I?

OH!  I geeked out with Todd that he got the keylight on his eyes - because COME ON!!!!  How much more old school horror can you get?  Todd ALSO ignores the tapping people.  He even went so far as to shoot her an annoyed look.  He was fanboying!  Did she mind?  HEE.

So then we staggered out of the breakfast and weesta checks on laivine who apparently IS still breathing but may need surgery to make her face stop grinning.  "Touched by a motherfucking angel" was all we could get out of her for a while...

ummm...  (checks wee's journal again) OH YEAH!  Photo ops.  We had originally intended to make Jared do the YMCA  with us.  This now fell to Jim.  Who gave me a great "Are you fucking kidding me?!" look until wee helpfully explained "You get to be the Y!!!!"

But he did it.  He cracked Chris up.  But god bless the man - he made us take it AGAIN because apparently we were cut off the first one.  Oh yes.

When was the Misha Photo Op?  Before or after Jim's panel?

Um, Jim's Panel.  I tried to get pics but he kept PACING - I think to keep himself awake.  If Bobby dies the way fandom is freaking out he might?  Jim is very good at hiding it.  I'd told the girls on Saturday - I really think that for Dean to turn against Sam it's going to take Sam killing Bobby.  I really, really hope I'm wrong.

But Jim was as awesome as ever and genuinely delighted that someone fangirls him enough to get the stammers and blushes around him.He also made me tear up about Kim Manners and describing his book.

An interesting note - fandom has latched onto the idea of pranks on set.  Apparently?  This ended sometime during Season 2.  They will get silly together but not "at" one another.  I know Kim left sometime during the shoot of S4 and apparently he was the "natural butt of the joke" according to Jim.  His uncredited job seems to have been keeping the J's sane during the hours.  And in my head?  This is yet another indication they'll end it after S5.  They aren't going to find another one like him and the long hours are going to get to the boys.

But the "prank wars" are apparently a fanon thing and not really a good description of life on set.

But THEN was Misha's pics...  I think...  it's the story I'm telling next anyway...

Misha's Pic.  OMG - EVERYONE had one.  I felt the pressure.  Somehow we'd ended up with TWO pics.  And I FREAKED!  weesta took turns laughing at me and trying to "help".  She finally made the "helpful suggestion" that I should have one BY MYSELF and the other with the group.  I think I actually physically flailed at the thought.  We were calling Ryn for inspiration -as most of the insanity is her fault - I simply have no shame and will act on her ideas.  I finally got my brain to come up with a "two part" photo op.  One where we fangirl him and one where we "catch him".  So all was well.

Then we finally got to the front and had a slight delay while Chris changed light bulbs.  I asked what was on his belt buckle.

Don't look at me like that.  It was large and shiny.  I looked.


Anyways - it's LASD - LA Sherrif's Dept.  I was about to ask why he had it when this girl started insisting she get a hug.  It was really uncomfortable to me.  She got one and the photo ops started again.

So we get up and I say "Well, there's three of us and two photos, which was unexpected, so we thought we'd do a two parter if you were up to a little acting?"

OMG.  He apparently was slightly bored or something cause he got really interested in me and leaned in and was all, "What are we doing?"  So I said, well the first one he'd be off to the side and wary and we'd be all fangirly and the second one we'd catch him and just glomp him.


"It's ok if you don't want to."

"No that's good. So the first one is to the side?"


Weesta tells him to just look really scared and he nods very solemnly at her and says, "Yep.  Yep.  got it!"  Claps his hands and hits his mark.

OMG.  I ....


We get out of the room.  Go downstairs.  Wander out to the car for lunch.  Halfway down the row?  laivine lets out this HUGH SIGH.


Um.  Lunch.  We had lunch at Panera one day and Pei Wei the next...  but I actually don't think we went to lunch yet...



Todd was first panel I think.  He's a fanboy.  I was a little worried no one would ask questions so I got up and was behind Amanda the WHOLE TIME and did not notice until she was getting ready to ask her question.  Oh yeah. I was calm.

So I asked him about everyone always makes a point of saying what a fun set SPN is.  So why?  What are other sets like that SPN just seems so fun in comparison?

The other sets?  Are so meeeeeeeeeen.  *gigglesnort*  Basically he reiterated what other people have said - the boys have an insane schedule even by Hollywood's insane standards.  But they both go out of their way to welcome the guest stars and are genuinely happy to have new people to play with.  But more importantly - the CREW is awesome and just as welcoming and fun

I then asked him who he was on Dark Angel - He was the HEAD in "Boo".

"Boo" is the s2 episode that we all skip because Jensen isn't in it.  He also told me something I didn't know.  That episode was filmed during the week of September 11th.  And knowing that makes me much more forgiving of the episode than I've been before.  It must have been very hard to film a comedy episode that week - especially as that was not the normal tone of the series.

Malik is very, very cool.  And has very, very nice abs.  With a tatoo with the word "Reborn" - which is the one word he'd use to describe his whole life.  He's the best kind of minister - the kind that ministers because he cares about you and is genuinely eager to meet everyone and see what they have to add to his life.

Go forth and find the video of the little boy asking about "How did you feel - when Dean gave you a swirlie on TV?"

Oh yes, children excel at breaking the spiritual mood.  *grin*  and he loved it!!!  He also kept teasing Misha off stage.


He was still fascinated with the whole fan thing - he's not really a fanboy over anything so he's just ridiculously touched that he's got fans.  Also?  The man is a SUCKER for disappointed crowds.  It gives his performer's soul physical pain to make us sad.  This?  Was not the thing he wanted us to know.  HEE.

(Yeesh.  I've been posting for 2 hours!!!  Castle and 24 distracted me.)

Anyways - Misha was embarrased but read a poem for us.  And then refused to read a line because he didn't want to mess up and ruin it.  But then got all flustered and blurted out, "Don't look at me like that!"  ... oh, Misha.  That was SO not the way to get us to stop.

Finally someone asked for him to show us his "demon" audition and he got very "No.  I mean it this time.  Stop looking at me like that.  No.  Look.  You're all just waiting.  Not happening.  No"  and then?

"I AM NOT YOUR MONKEY!" in the most hilarious whiny voice.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA.  Oh, but you are...

When he'd been prepping to read the poem, someone yelled out, "We accept you!" as encouragement and he'd dryly pointed out, "You haven't heard my poem yet."  After he'd finished, the same girl yelled out, "We still accept you!"  At some other point, he seemed to be gathering up the nerve for something and I stole her line and yelled, "We still accept you!"

He locked on my eyes and said... something...  while smirking...

And that's pretty much what I remember.

Then began the Never-Ending Autograph Line of Cherry Hill.  God only knows what would have happened if Jared had been there.  It took FOREVER.

Wee  abandoned us!  For sick family or some such nonsense...  She left her ticket and sign for signatures.  We began chatting and the I am NOT Jared got more pictures and people really loved the book.

FYI - I've been asked by people who've seen it if I'd sell it (donate to charity, whatnot).  No, I'm sorry.  The original folks from Fangoria certainly NEVER gave me permission to do anything like that and even for charity - I'd feel it was wrong to do that with pics from actors.  The book was made on blurb.com for those that were curious.  (it's easy AND reasonable.)

So the line!!!  It went MUCH slower than usual because they started letting people with planes to catch in the line.  Yay logic and for the most part, I enjoyed chilling with the other fans.  The lady in front of me is in craft services in NYC and has worked with JDM.  Surprise!JDM con connection!

We FINALLY got to the front of the line and Malik giggled at ChickenMan and signed the book - I love your energy and also signed Wee's sign for me.  Todd started reading the book - an idea his handler quietly nixxed.  He signed it "I am not now, nor have I ever been Jared. (I'm better.) shh.  And then a little dracula smiley!  Then HE signed Wee's sign.

Then I get to Misha and explain that 2 years ago, Jared had had to cancel and blah blah and we wanted to let him know we hadn't confused other people for him...

"... is that a chicken?" (referring to the book)
"*gigglesnort*  That's chicken man.  He's not Jared."

"I can see that.  So the sign was helpful!"  And grinned at me.  And my brain managed NOT to shut down this time and he signed it - I am also not Jared - Unfortunately.  Then he got Patty's sign and I said it was for the girls who thought of it.  He kept turning it all around trying to find a spot and I said, "Yeah - she's running out of room."

So in the margin of the sign he's got "Patty - you're running out of room - Misha"  LOLZ Forever.

So I start to go to Jim and say to Misha, "So you're going to Orlando, right?"  And he STANDS UP AND REACHES OUT and he shook my hand and was quite obviously trying to memorize my face and asked if I was going.  I think I said yes.  Mostly my brain was just screaming to shake his hand back and NOT PET HIM like a pretty unicorn.  He said he was looking forward to seeing me there or some such bullshit and I slid over to Jim.

Jim was greatly, greatly amused by the book and getting fairly slap happy.  "Due to popular demand, I am NOT Jared (and the world heaves a sigh of relief) and signed Wee's sign with "ME NEITHER!"

And then laivine and I flailed for 10 more minutes and realized we were actually very, very sleepy.  Did we eat?  I don't remember.  It was after nine and the actors were NOT leaving.  Which is insanely awesome but OMG really?  Still.  I had a WONDERFUL TIME AND CANNOT WAIT FOR EYECON.

wanderlust, tvboyfriends

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