WinCon Links

Oct 20, 2008 19:53

OMG! It's a public post!

For the folks from WinCon
(1) HI!

(2) I am not writing "John Sheppard is Sam and Dean's Love Child (It *so* explains the hair.)"  I don't care how much Jen pouts.

But I did post a primer for the SPN fangirls who want to catch up/get orientated/giggle at Stargate Atlantis.
Part 1: Why to Watch and Basics
Part 2: The Pretty (which comes pretty close to Jen's fic)
Part 3: The Rogues Gallery
and the "Style=Mine" set as tv_boyfriends is not a good format for reading text.
Part 1: Why to Watch and Basics
Part 2: The Pretty
Part 3: The Rogues Gallery

(3) And the <500 words of RPS that freaked me out. For Clex and Jen to MOCK ME WITH.

(4) Summer Camp - for the one in the pink shirt who is not Mary.  (That makes perfect sense.  I am shit for names, ok?) I'm going through and unlocking the rest of the storytelling tag.  But it's really not worth the read.

(5) Where in the hell does this quote come from?!  spikess  is LOVE
angels descending bring from above
echoes of mercy, whispers of love

(6) all graphics I make eventually show up on tv_boyfriends

wanderlust, tvboyfriends, mood: giggling

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