Conversational Winchester For Trolls podfic

Nov 26, 2007 22:59

This? Is clex-monkie89 and waterofthemoon's fault. They actually like the way I read stories. YMMV

Original Fic: Conversation Winchester for Trolls
Author: eloise-bright
RATING: PG13 (gen)
CHARACTERS: John, Dean, Sam. And troll.
SPOILERS: pre-series and Season 1 generally
NOTES: Narrator POV. Crack!fic, people, seriously. Oh, there be spoilers for the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". And gratuitous Angel and Matrix references.
Length: 12 minutes
Read by: gigglingkat who cannot pronounce the word 'metaphorical' on a regular basis and becomes increasingly more southern as she goes. She may have also inadvertently channeled Rodney McKay for expositional purposes only. No infringement intended.

The most awesome bessyboo performed some miracle of audio editing and made me coherent. This is now available for download as an mp3 or podbook at amplificathon or from the archive: mp3 || book

fanfic: storytelling, mood: giggling

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