Aug 14, 2005 12:34
So I've recently been looking into the lives of those I've lost touch with. Lol, and I don't mean in some F.B.I. what is your criminal history kind of way. I mean I've been looking at their myspaces, reading their blogs, and things of that nature. Unfortunately I've realized how seriously cold ppl have become. I don't know if it's the environment we live in (the atmosphere in miami tends to be consumed with vanity, if that makes any sense), or if its the way our parents have raised us to be, or the way that our world has shaped us, I DON'T KNOW, but I think that there gets to be a point where self preservation, and the pursuit of goals at any means makes someone less of a person, and more of a beast. Of course, I can understand that there are times when you have to prioritize. Put yourself before others. Consider your goals and needs, the only goals and needs. However, I don't think that that should be the way anyone lives their life everyday. I think that there are times when certain people, or causes, or situations, should bring you to a point where your heart rules over your brain. I know that doing well in school and succeeding should be a part of everyone's agenda. But I also know that there are times when giving someone a ride home IS more important than studying for a test. Going to a see a friend CAN be more important that doing something thats going to make you money, or get you in better with your family. Thinking about all of this has only reaffirmed by disgust with ignorance. Sadly, many times the security of money brings on a lot of this ignorance. Now don't get me wrong, I don't resent those with wealth (because then in many ways I'd be resenting myself, also). However, I DO resent people that believe that just because they have money they must know it all. That they have all of life figured out. That the only way to survive is to think of no one but themselves. I resent that even in family members of mine. Its a certain haughty ignorance that is even worse. I don't have it all figured out. No one does. I just wish that people would open their hearts up a little and close their minds a bit, if they cant get them to work together.