Nighttime Visitations, Jack/Grant, rated G.

Oct 20, 2010 23:51

Title: Nighttime Visitations
Author: GiGi
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash, hint of Dom/sub
Pairings: Jack/Grant
Spoilers: None.
Summary: It had been one of those days, where everything went to hell, where they thought they were going to lose people.

“Come here, sport.”

Jack tensed than relaxed, even in the darkened room of his office he knew that voice. It tickled down his spine and worked itself over him. With the kind of day that he'd had today it was a mixed blessing to find Grant here. He turned to turn on the lights.

“Leave it off. And I said to come here, sport.” The things that Grant's voice could to do to him.

Jack moved towards the other's voice, his eyes adjusting to the light. Charles was sitting at Jack's desk, his legs spread and his eyes on his prize, which in this case was Jack himself. Those eyes were so intense, it was almost as if the air was infused with it. Jack slipped to his knees in front of Grant. His arms going to rest on the other's knees.

Charles' legs moved tight around him, one of his hands going to rest in his hair bringing him close, onto the other's chest. The other hand was on the back of his neck, just holding him, just keeping him grounded to this moment.

It had been one of those days, where everything went to hell, where they thought they were going to lose people. They did lose people and it ate at Jack, tore a hole right through the center of him. Sometimes he really really hated this town, hated how easy something as simple as a small test on something or other could turn against them and kill them all. Oh, yes, it would be all their fault, because they did it. Someone in the town did it because that's just what they all did.

The hand on the back of his neck tightened, “I'm here now.” Grant's touch and voice were like a warm blanket, soothing the fears, gentling him out.

“I thought you were..”

“Not going to get rid of me that easily sport. Now hush, just breathe. I've got ya and you're safe.” Jack wasn't sure if he should be scared that the other man knew him so damn well, that this, yes, this was what he needed. He closed his eyes and just let the moment relax him, melt him, just like Grant's voice had the power to do.
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