to my softball girls:

Jun 02, 2005 20:33

it was a 50/50 chance that i was going to play softball during my senior year because let's just say that after leaving at 12:30 everyday of the first semester i thought that there was no way i was going to stay four more hours especially knowing how hott it would eventually get and how much i just wanted to take my usual nap when i got home. the practices were only fun because we were together and we made the best of the numerous laps and sprints we had to run day after day just wishing practice would come to an end or that it would suddenly start raining. there were times when yes, i got frustrated and times when i wondered what the heck i was doing but there was no way i was going to give up. we've each had our little arguments and disagreements with eachother but i think that only brought us closer and in the end we had eachothers backs no matter what. i know that i, and i'm sure everyone else looked forward to game days and without fail in every warm up circle we wanted "to mercy them." coming in 1st in league and placing in tournaments only prepared us for that final game. we all went in to ucla with that common goal to win and i have to say that the game was so amazing words can't even explain it and i still can't get over it. that was obviously one of the best bus rides back ever! i think i'll end this here by saying that i love each and every single one of you and i couldn't have asked for a better ending to my senior year or my softball career then making it to the championship game and winning. this was a once in a lifetime thing that i'll never forget and i'll miss you guys when i leave for college but i'll be back in time to see the next championship game!

love always, Kathryn.

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