I committed to the diet that
pepperlandgirl4 is doing. I've been eating salads for lunch and I eat the same dinner as she does, but last week I also ate cereal in the morning and I gave into temptation whenever I wanted chocolate and ice cream. I decided to give that stuff up so I could just lose some freaking weight already. I think I've gained about 35 pounds since I graduated high school, and I'm just tired of it. I feel like I get bigger every day. I ultimately decided to stick to it when Haley said she doesn't have such a big appetite anymore. I feel like I'm constantly hungry and it's annoying. Also, when I'm hungry at school I end up giving in and buying a $5 sandwich or wrap, so this can at least help me save a little bit of money. My main goal: lose a good amount of weight before going to London. Also, lose enough weight to fit into my favorite denim skirt, which is a size 16. I know that's not a big goal since it's just a size or two down, but I love that skirt so much and I miss wearing it.
In other news: I'm developing a crush on Gene Kelly. I just want to watch Gene Kelly movies all day.
Now, I must do some Italian homework!