5pm to 5 am

Jan 29, 2005 06:20

i woke up 5 am okies. so i slept five yesterday for my normal five in the afternoon nap and expect to wake around 7? i don't remember if i was drifting again. but i did feel hecka scared for a while.

then i slept it through. woke up 5 am. feeling my mouth for signs of my retainers. none! wtf?! seriously that's fucked. i mean cha.. gayness. i like my retainers on so my teeth can keep being straight.

then like i was jes there and decided okies i'll jes stay up the rest of the time. and i did. xanga is down. but entry on live journal.

i'll copy and paste whateverz.

yesterday.. omg. lol =] -[april]
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