No update for a while and then 3 come along at once..!

Dec 03, 2006 22:22

A random niggle that actually made me quite annoyed today. I was at the gym, and i always see this girl there, she is horribly thin, too thin, so thin that she has developed that downy hair on her arms that grows to keep the body warm. You can see all of her bones. I dont understand how the gym can justify letting her in, is it just because shes just another customer that pays them? She spent at least three hours there today. She went to the hour class before me, then the hour class that i went to, and then she was going to spin after, in between the classes she was on the stepper machine. In the breaks in the class i was in when everyone else grabbed a drink, she was jogging on the spot. It was painful to watch.

She was talking to lots of the gym instructors around the gym, obviously i dont know the situation and im just assuming, but it just seems weird that they let her carry on... Maybe they cant stop it and i suppose its better that she exercises in a safe environment. If she wasnt allowed in the gym i suppose she would exercise somewhere else.. but.. it just seems bizarre that they sit back and watch this obviously unhealthy behaviour.

Just has annoyed me a little bit all day. Gyms seem to promote healthiness. but where do they draw the line? It must be quite likely that a few of the members have issues, do they have policies about intefering? Im quite interested to find out...

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