Done Apologizing

Jun 26, 2004 13:11

Man lately I have been apologizing for repeating things so no more apologizing cause it will not get me anywhere unless I give names. I personally think that giving out names isn't good no matter what this person or persons did to me or not. It isn't in my nature to betray someone just so I can get be in the free and clear.

If you are reading this rest assured I know that YOU are the one that broke my trust and just be happy I am not turning you in, unlike you I have standards and friendship is one of the most important to me and turning on them isn't an option to me, unlike what you did to me.

I will be posting more on here and I'll be on neopets like I always have been and on another site, I have the same sns for both place so you can contact me there if you like. I have a few of you on AIM and MSN so it isn't that bad.
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