Feb 23, 2005 14:47
I know, I know, my post yesterday was ridiculously pathetic. The upside - I calmed down. The downside - now I feel like an idiot for rambling and complaining. Sometimes I think I'm the type of person who enjoys complaining. For example, I live in Minnesota and HATE the cold weather, I could easily leave, but then I would have nothing to complain about somedays. Maybe that's a bad example, but nonetheless, an example.
I'm sleepy. I feel like someone has been waving a pendulum in front of my face saying "You are getting sleeeeeepyyyy. Very, very sleeeeeepppyyyy." Maybe they have and I haven't even realized it. Hmmmmm... I wonder what else people do to me without even realizing it. Okay, I'll stop being stupid.
American Idol is on tonight. Now that we don't have cable, I have to learn to enjoy the lame regular tv shows. Okay, okay, I enjoy it, really I do, but I feel pretty loser-ish getting all excited to watch it. But it gives Mike and I time together and not always on the run. He enjoys the show too. Personally, I think he just enjoys the girls - no, I'm just kidding.
I still have an hour and a half left of work - oh my. I need some chocolate. I think I'll have to take my fat ass down to vendo-land and get myself something nice and fatty. Alright, you twisted my arm... I'm going...