Sep 08, 2004 07:35
Sooooooooooooooo I woke up at 6am. Nooo fun after going to bed at 3am. I just could not sleep for the life-o-me. Maybe thanks to my horrific cramps that make me want to grow a weeeweee...and forget the whole girl thing, LOL. Anyway. Yesterday started the fall semester for me. I am a geek, I know, but I could nottttttttttttt wait to get to school-lol. Guess bein unemployed makes u want weird things, lol. I only had one class though--video class. I am gonna love it--I feel it. We get to make music videos and documentarytype things...Im physced. I already have a whole thing planned out for my music video. And I made sure to pick an obscure song bc I know how someones gonna rep. jayz or beyonce and booty hop their way to an A and I am gonna be pissed. lol. Anyway. After real world philadelphia---REPRESENT WOOPWOOP---Kate and I went to visit Kristin and Jen on campus in good ole g-court. It felt soo diff. bein there, no one besides them is there anymore. Boo. lol. Oh well, we met their INSANE 33 YR old roomate who is ruining their happy lives already-lol. They already had a meeting w/the housing director trying to kick her out. I mean it's odd enough to have a woman that old living on campus...but to throw in the fact that shes hardcore bipolar...has a 52 yr old boyfriend....a grocery bag FULL of meds...and the habit to wear zip up red flannel pjs and fall asleep on the couch for 12 hrs straight...snorrrring.......cmon. I dont miss that drama. No way. No ugly bipolars THIS YEAR for us.
Anywho. It felt soo good to hang out with Kristin and Jen and Vanessa again....yay for school. lol. Its only 7:42am...Im showered, dressed, now what.