what do we say to the god of death?

May 12, 2012 02:14

Let's talk about Game of Thrones and how I FINALLY started watching it and how it has consumed me.

Also, more of this please?

So the first episode was kind of...idk it didn't win me over. Neither did the second or third LOL. It really didn't actually hit me until like 1x08 BUT THEN THERE WAS NO ESCAPING MY FEELINGS. It wasn't that I disliked it, I just couldn't get over that hump from watching it passively while doing other things to being glued to my computer devouring it. BUT I MADE IT! And here we are. I'm like 3 episodes into season 2 and have already accidentally spoiled myself for something! And it's not so much the act of being spoiled but the spoiler itself that really bums me out. BUT YAY S2!

I LOVE Robb (even though I want him to get it on with everyone he's in a scene with, including and especially, his mother, which is pretty distracting) and Cersei. AND JOE DEMPSIE'S FACE! I GET IT TUMBLR! I FEEL YOU! And Arya/Genrdy? This show is an exercise in getting me to ship the most inappropriate things possible. As much as I enjoyed Dany in S1 (and I DID! GIRL IS BADASS), her dragon shtick is kinda getting old. IDK I JUST WANT HER TO MAKE OUT WITH HER RIGHT HAND MAN ALREADY. They can talk about fire and blood later!

Seriously though? Try and watch this promo without getting chills! (Trust me, I've tried. Can't do it)

image Click to view

Three victories doesn't make you a conqueror.

It's better than three defeats

PS. New Girl S1 is over and I am CRAZY SAD ABOUT IT.
PPS. Finally watched all the Marvel movies (well, except for the Hulk) and am all prepared to see Avengers tomorrow! AHHH!

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