Happiness Meme, Day 8! Woot, I did it! Go, me!

Dec 25, 2008 14:39

Things making me happy on this Christmas Day:

*I hereby declare Supernatural season 3 gag reel BEST.EVAR!!! I could watch it 100 times and not stop laughing. XD
*I discovered that Flycell Mobile, that iPod/iPhone app I downloaded last night (it's free, and AWESOME, and I highly recommend it), also has a desktop version. I installed it on the work PC and have been listening to old Adam & Drew episodes of Loveline all day! FOR THE WIN! :) It has TONS of stations on there, including BBC, HBO comedy, Diggnation, Wired Magazine, TWiT, just to name a few. I'm in ♥ with it. Yay!


*I think I'm getting a zit on my cheekbone. Not cool, face. Not cool. Especially since my chin broke out in spots like, 2 weeks ago and it hasn't gone away yet. I'd prefer to NOT have horrible facial scarring, kthxbye.

*My damn headache is starting to come back AGAIN. What the hell. That's like, at least 5 consecutive days. *frown* Again, not cool. Maybe my whole cranium is just going on strike or something.

*God, only 4 hours and 20 minutes left to go before I leave. Heh. 4:20. Heh heh. Of course, when I leave, I get to go deal with my in-laws. Ugh. Maybe if I drive there REALLY slow, it'll take me like, an hour to get there or something. /wishful thinking

*Plus, hubby already told me that his sister is having major tv/satellite issues, and that more than likely when I get there, I'll be recruited to go down to her house and try to fix them. NO, THANKS, I'M GOOD. None of that today please. Why must I be saddled with a family of completely technically clueless in-laws, Lord? Why hast thou forsaken me, and what not?

OK, I should probably do some actual work now. I guess.

pimpage, meme

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