Dec 11, 2005 01:58
So last saturday was the dmb concert and it was simply amazing.
Yesterday was a snowday and that too was amazing.
Yesterday I went snowboarding for the first time in my life. It was great but today i hurt... especially my ass. I said fuck more than i've ever said it in my entire life yesterday. But it was fun :)
After snowboarding we went to taco bell and saw this hot guy. who knew hot guys worked at fast food reastaurants? as we were leaving ashley was like "my friends think you're hot!" we died of laughter. it was great. we plan on going back.
I'm getting a guitar for x-mas and i'm so excited. even though i don't even know how to play it i'm so excited. Christmas is in like 15 days. that's like 2 weeks and 1 day. that's incredibly close. I don't have any shopping done.
Andrea and Ashlee stopped over a little while ago. let me tell you... it was very entertaining.
so yeah... that's my exciting life.
if you were a whorebag, would you be paper or plastic?