To those reader who have missed my intriguing entries.

Jul 21, 2005 23:14

    I am thrilled to report that I am still alive, despite rumors on the news that a lonely 18 year old girl in Buffalo Grove has been far to lazy this summer to report to her copious amounts of live-journal reading fans, which is sadly only about two. Regardless, I am pleased to inform you and hopefully thrill you that I am back again with lots to write about… some of which may continue into a whole other entry. Yahoo! Anyhow, let’s start of as we usually do eh?

Sitting in my old junior high shorts, with stains on a brand new t-shirt, Oreo cookie crumbs clinging to the oily pot holes that have now become synonymous with my face, and re-runs of "Friends" blaring through my 13" Magnavox, it is no wonder that the only thoughts whizzing through my mind are that of school and back to the good life. Yes, school, the place that I was dying to get out of only 2 months earlier. School, where fights, parties, and hooking up happen on the same day. School, where you spend nights in Villar till 2 am working on a paper only to realize that you could've been done by midnight if you hadn't taken that hour trip to Rita's for ice and all those smoke brakes. School, where room is barely room for one let alone two (Miss you roomie)! However, fear not it's only a month away....

As of now I feel like I am beginning to give Homer Simpson a run for his money, minus the whole beer guzzling and trips to Moe's pubs. I pretty much eat (mainly Oreos, it has become my new addiction), sleep (often almost an excessive 12 hours), and work (well, at least I do that and don't mess it up) and that is my life summed up into about a paragraph. Oh yea and I forgot to mention that I exercise…okay only sometimes, and those Oreos don’t help much either.

On a complete sidenote, as I am fooling around (keep the sexual innuendos to yourself, please) with my itunes. I notice a new whatchamakalit- and know not the candy bar- and it reads “Podcasts”. Can any Itunes/mac nerds tell me what this new addition to my toolbar means?

I found a new song that I slight obsessed with entitled “Sugar We’re Going Down”. What’s even funnier is I only understand about every fourth word, which makes for a really interesting ballad. The band, Fall Out Boy, made some other pretty good songs to before this single made it to 3rd on MTV’s TRL, which leads most musical fans to realize that they will now begin their decent from greatness. However, as I am always a week or two behind the trends I find myself illeaglly pirating some of their other songs off my favorite ship, Limewire. Through this adventure I found a song called “Saturday” that I loved, however, of this song I could only understand about every twelfth word. Hey, who ever said lyrics were musical poetry obviously didn’t grow up in the era of Britney Spears and N*SYNC. Backtracking…to disperse and quell all lyrics that I have made up in spite of my inability to comprehend the human language, I shall put the lyrics of “Sugar We’re Going Down” song up on my live journal. Eh… maybe now I won’t sound like the ass that I really am.

"Sugar We're Going Down"
Am I more than you bargained for yet
 I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
 I'm just a notch in your bedpost
 But you're just a line in a song
 (A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)

Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it

We're going down, down in an earlier round
 And Sugar, we're going down swinging
 I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it

Is this more than you bargained for yet
Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
 Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him
 I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)

Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

We're going down, down in an earlier round
 And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it [x2]

Down, down in an earlier round
 And Sugar, we're going down swinging
 I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it

We're going down, down in an earlier round (Take aim at myself)
And Sugar, we're going down swinging (Take back what you said)
I'll be your number one with a bullet (Take aim at myself)
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it

We're going down, down (down, down)
 Down, down (down, down)
We're going down, down (down, down)
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it
We're going down, down in an earlier round (Take aim at myself)

And Sugar, we're going down swinging (Take back what you said)

I'll be your number one with a bullet (Take aim at myself)
 A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it

Wow…enlightening its just about the about the same phrase repeated about 12x… hey I never said they were the new Beatles. Now that explains why TRL only shows the first 30 seconds of the song…oh no wait that is every video they play, my bad. 500 bucks to anyone who can explain what this song is about. After that, read their journal begging you to bring them to the number one spot on TRL for the 30 seconds of fame the receive on MTV at possibly the worst airtime in history 1 central time-what the fuck is up with that!

Now that I am off my sugar high from the Oreos and song-no pun intended-I made a gnome…now that is some exciting shit, believe me I know. However what you don’t know is that he is coming on my semester long excursion and he will be part of almost every picture I take-well at least that is the challenge I have give myself. I painted him at my work and I name him well I haven’t picked a name I will leave that for viewers to recommend on the comments.
Reasoning behind this being that I applied for this blogging abroad thing, where you write about your study abroad and get paid for it. Who knows if I will actually get picked among all the applicants but hey it was worth a shot. I figure if I blog for fun, I might as well see if someone will pay me to do it for 3 months to. So for this blogging abroad you have to take pictures and if I get picked I plan to take all my pictures that I post with this gnome. Yea, so if that gives you any clue of how boring my life has become this summer-that I actually have time to come up with this kinds of stuff.

To people that I am friends with, that I don’t talk to often…. I suck at keeping in contact even in today’s technological blur. I still like you, however now the question is whether you like me. Ha!

Things to look forward to in my next entry:
*An update to whatever clothes I am wearing while writing next entry.
*An ode to the boy who runs everyday.
*Pictures of the cute kids I work with 3 days a week…no promises.
*Finales make me sad.
*Laguna Beach… and living vicariously through the REAL stuck up snobs of the REAL Orange County.

Until next times even longer entry,
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