Jan 20, 2005 18:13
I saw Tiffany Van Cott at work- It was bizzare. I was board-folding in Sportswear, and I looked up, said hello, smiled, and looked back down to my folding, just on reflex, and she was like, "Hey!" so I actully *looked* and it dawned on me that I knew her. She looked old. And not *old*, I just seem to remember her looking like she was 12, and she looks her age now.
But it made me think. There were so many people I knew in highschool I'll never see again. Like Tomas. I was looking through some of my pictures a few weeks ago, and I saw the picture I have of Tomas trying to open my locker, and I had to kind of giggle. And now I'm listenin' to Taty.
It's almost hard to listen to it, ya know? There was a time when a lot of emotion was attached to these songs, and it's slowly drifted away. It's just one of those things, I guess.
I know this is crazy and I'm totally gonna catch crazy-shit for this, but I miss Adrienne. Retro Non-Crazy Adrienne, like Pre-Casey Newberry Adrienne. Sitting-in-her-room-singing-Taty Adrienne. It still amazes me that you can have a friend who's that close, and end up not even speaking. I wonder if she even still things about me. (Which sounds creepy, but I really mean in a friend-y way, like how I think of her when I see the little purple stuffed cats we have in Kid's.) It's just bizzare. Which isn't even to say that this isn't how it should have turned out, it's just not what I would have figured.
So, there you go.
I'm kind of cold.
It's official, I start school on Monday. Yay! I'm kinda scared though. I don't know why exactly, but I am.
I have a mango smoothie!
...I bet that's why I'm cold. Hehe.
P.S. I heart Claire. I'm not sure why.