Jan 15, 2006 23:00
so last night i had a dream that i went swimming in this pool, except that the pool was owned by the swedish association so it was off limits. but i had to swim in it because i was practicing my dives for the olympics (but they werent on a diving board or anything). then there were these silver audis sitting in the street, so i got creeped out cuz it might have been the swedish association ppl, so sneaked to kathryn (highland bud)'s house and helped her fold the sail of her opti. then it was clear that the swedish association was after me, so i ran to my house about 2 blocks away and hid in annie's closet and the silver audis drove around my block at about 100 mph over and over looking for me. prettay scary.
so who wants to tell me whats going on in my subconcsience?
other than that, studying for finals (sort of). then its senior spring and im freeeeeeeeee fallin. soooooooo excited!!!!!!! ps elena: mission shed a little light is ON.