News from me, that's right, you all know you want it!

Apr 29, 2004 02:15

Well, good news and bad news day, we'll start with the good news shall we.

Masha is definitely back in Britain, she called me the other day, so good to here a voice I know I can rely on again. Which nicely adds u to another bit of good news, I now have her number, about damn time! Going to have to call her pretty soon, really need to talk with her (not about anything in particular, I just love talking to that one) and we didn't get a propper chance to talk the other day, both of our phones were crapping out at the time.

Nathalie is going to be in London in about ten days, awesome, haven't seen her in about nine months, should be brilliant if I can get down there, I miss her, probably my favourite protégé (hehe, I know I shouldn't call her that, but I like it). I wonder how she's doing, hope she's gotten over this "need to diet" thing, the girl was 6'1" and about 140lbs pure athletic ability last time I saw her.

I've been toying with a few Arwn facial drawings, think I'm finally settling on one I like, now it’s just a case of computerising it and adding colour, wish me luck on that one.

The house I'll be living in next year (note the lack of the word "hopefully") has been signed for by everyone, I'm damn close to bankruptcy after paying the down payment, but hell if I'm not glad its done and dusted, thank you!

Got Labyrinth on DVD! YAY! It’s been something along the lines of ten years since I last saw it, and it’s still as much the classic as I remember. Got They Live and Pirates of the Caribbean too, I know I'm going to regret spending the money, but I feel it’s been too long since I treated myself, and I've got no one else to treat right now, so what the hell.

Now, what else, oh yeah, the shitty bits.

My Grandfather has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I've known for ages he had a shadow on his lung and that it was being checked out, but yunno, I hadn't resigned myself to it being that, so its a bit of a kick in the nuts, I feel like shit, like I should've done something, not to stop it, I know I can't do that, but maybe been a bit better of a grandson before all this, or maybe just been around a little more, fuck it, I think I'll just brood on this one for a while, can't do anything yet, besides, he may yet live years, it might go into remission, here's hoping anyway.

After that, the rest of my bad news is actually quite insignificant, but I’m going to keep going while I can. Missed the deadline for one of my essay things (don't know what to call it, its worth marks towards my degree, but its only two thousand words long), well, in truth I didn't so much miss it, as not realise it was actually supposed to be in a week before I thought it was, means I get a big fat nothing for that one, oh well, my own shit headed fault I guess, teach me to check hand in dates I suppose.

Got a cold, YAY! Combine that with my smoking and that adds up to what? Oh yeah, hacking, make you want to puke sleepless nights grogging up my lungs, I love the human body, so frail, I really should quit my last major bad habit, what with this and my Grandfather, you 'd think I'd take the hint no? That’s right, no, I won't and we know it. Maybe I can do a part exchange with my lungs for a healthier set, now there's an idea.

Erm, well, that's the end of the bad news, it all seems so much less when you write it down, I guess that's why I love this thing.

So, what else can I write here, not sure really, I hate to leave it on a bad note, ah, I got it....

Went out the other night, and I must have found around about ninety pence on the dance floor, guess some divine power still likes me.

Take care everyone, be writing more soon I hope

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