Oct 15, 2008 23:23
The great thing about snakes is they do nothing. They require less care than most plants. They pretty much don't make any noise or demand any attention (and if you're smart about it they don't stink either) and then they tolerate you when you want a living thing to interact with.
My most recent reptilian acquisition is a freak. She's not mine and I'm only taking care of her for a year so I take no credit for her freakiness. The problem with Sahara the corn snake is she is interested in everything you're doing. Anytime you're doing something and in view of her cage she is watching you, like a bright orange emaciated Big Brother. At first I thought she was one of those mean snakes that strikes at anything - not so. Even when I've tried to provoke her (using gloves of course) with sudden movements, she intently watches but does not strike. But the whole gotta-watch-Tori-while-she-sorts-laundry thing creeps me out.
In other news, I have an apartment in Albuquerque! Moving day is officially on the 24th. Super-excited and all that. Packing is strange in that you can't do too much ahead of time because you need to use that stuff before you leave, but you also can't leave it till the last minute. So far I have four big boxes of mostly kitchen stuff, boxes of books and PS2 games.
I'm taking off to Denver for Halloween to spend it with long-time friend Alison and her lovely husband, Will. Ali was the one who got me into Olions (she was a senior when I was a freshman) and now she's a professional movie makeup person! She's going to help turn me into a biomechanoid for Halloween. Yes, I would like to be super-creepy. No, no lingerie and miniskirts for me, please. If all else fails, I'd like to be a disgusting zombie, thank you very much.