My little wannabe serial killer

Oct 06, 2013 11:47

Because yesterday impertinence and I got into a conversation on Twitter about Mike Richards' cray tendencies, and it went to a place. So, FOR POSTERITY --

gigantic: "Mike Richards gets feisty" is the story of his life . [tumblr link]

imp: love carter being like "oh shit" and also richards being totally insane AS ALWAYS

gigantic: Carter prob thought Richie was behind him too, then realizes late, like, of course this fucking psycho is in someone's face.

imp: i'm at a pet sociopath place T H A N K S

gigantic: :D YOU'RE WELCOME :D Jeff loves Mike but Mike only likes Jeff because he's a sociopath.

imp: "let me just kill this guy -" "NO"


gigantic: That's why Jeff disappeared for days post-trade, because it was the closest he came to telling Richie to do what he wanted.

imp: sometimes jeff will pin richie's hands and just breathe into his shoulder, because what richie wants to do is in his eyes

gigantic: YEAH. It's why they lived together in Philly at first. Richie told Jeff how he feels, and Jeff had to help him w/ boundaries.

gigantic: "We spent almost everyday together" Mike said, but because Jeff needed to remind him about how most people handle things.

imp: Richie will get in bar fights sometimes, in more anonymous places, and Jeff always has to pull him back before he goes too far

gigantic: Hunting weapons for good behavior. #NAUGHTYORNICE

imp: and a knife Richie doesn't tell anyone about, because it's only for using, very occasionally, on Jeff

gigantic: And one time Jeff asked him how he would do it, if he ever got to, and he told Richie he could demonstrate on him.

imp: Richie got a LOOK & said "Maybe later," & sometimes he'll tell him bits of it, just parts, trailing the knife over Jeff's skin

gigantic: "But you don't want it to hurt." "Just -- don't do too much."

imp: Y E S just thin, shallow cuts all over Jeff

gigantic: When Mike is in LA but Jeff is in Columbus, Jeff always asks how he is and a lot of times he means has Richie killed somebody.

gigantic: Esp when he gets the concussion in Dec. But Richie's like, "I'm too fucking dizzy to do anything." He thinks about it though.

imp: He thinks about it constantly, and when he sees Richie again for the first time, Jeff is honestly a little scared of him.

imp: More than usual, without the same level of trust. He's terrified. But Richie just fucks him and doesn't say anything off at all

gigantic: Having Jeff back renews the urge to kill everyone who took him away on top of months of thinking of doing things to guys he's been playing against while in LA. And he thinks maybe if Jeff hadn't come back he would've slipped, and he hates that he kinda wishes he had because he knows how upset that would make Jeff. But Jeff is here now, so. Jeff'll keep him okay.

imp: Jeff makes the urge a little less pleasant, and if he threatened Lombardi's kids to get him to LA, no one has to know.

gigantic: Which is more satisfying for Mike? Winning the Cup or killing somebody? - question Jeff has but also never wants the answer to

imp: Jeff certainly hasn't told anybody on how he gets off on it, a lot, being the person standing between Mike and the world

gigantic: Mike kinda knows, though, from how he fucks him instead of killing people but tells Jeff how he'd do it if Jeff said it was okay.

imp: Sometimes Mike looks down at Jeff, red lines on his chest and his eyes closed, face screwed up like he's in pain, and he's glad he holds back, because he gets this. And it's satisfying, knowing Jeff likes this. With him.

gigantic: Mike isn't stupid. He knows it's lucky Jeff sticks around. Whether Jeff's just his own type of crazy or whatever, Mike's glad.

imp: Mike stays up late sometimes, watching Jeff, thinking about all the people he'd kill for him, about how much Jeff trusts him. And how much Jeff doesn't trust him.

gigantic: How much Jeff still doesn't trust him is why Mike never actually says he'd kill everyone for Jeff if he had to.

imp: Jeff shouldn't trust him, really, because if someone was hurting Jeff, no amount of asking would keep Richie from killing them.

gigantic: And why he regrets saying yes when Jeff asked if Mike ever imagined killing him when they were 19. Look, it was different then.

imp: Now Mike still thinks about it, but - in a different way.

gigantic: Before, Mike didn't know if he wanted to fuck Jeff or murder him. Now, no one can hurt Jeff, but if any one did, it'd be him.

imp: Mike thinks about killing him if he needs it, if he asks for it, using the knife Jeff gave him without meeting his eyes.

imp: And if he sometimes wonders what he'll be like if Jeff dies first, well. Jeff doesn't need to know about that.

gigantic: RIP so many men who look like Jeff if Jeff dies first.


gigantic: Mike thinks about it a lot. Who else'll know to lie on him when it's real bad? Crowd him so much he can only focus on breathing?

imp: Who else will look at him with this happy, intense HOPE, like Richie can restrain himself, like he doesn't really need Jeff?

gigantic: Most of the time Jeff makes him feel like he could be like everybody else!

gigantic: He can love Jeff and be ordinary, maybe one day, and then someone hits Jeff in the mouth with a puck in Detroit.

imp: It's just something that happens in a game, really, and that doesn't stop Richie from wanting to kill him. Thinking about it.

gigantic: Jeff didn't even lose any teeth he hadn't lost before. But it still made Jeff bleed, and Richie can't. stop. thinking about it.

imp: He's pissed and wants to hurt someone, make them REALLY hurt, and he's also pissed someone caused that and it wasn't him.

gigantic: Jeff says "Didn't know teeth were part of your thing" letting Richie examine his face but it's not that. It's that it's Jeff. Richie doesn't know how he still doesn't always get that.

imp: He thinks maybe if he phrased it differently, but he's said it every way he knows how. Jeff just doesn't get it sometimes. Richie thinks about killing people in really specific ways, but not Jeff. Jeff all bloodied up is different, more private. And Jeff all bloodied up should be HIS, god damn it.

gigantic: Yeah! He's so angry. And it happened TO Jeff, but Jeff isn't even mad anymore, which is part of the whole issue. Jeff is so OKAY with most things, eventually, and nobody should ruin him. Only Richie should get to, and he won't even, okay.

gigantic: (Jeff definitely thinks this is sweet.)

imp: Richie won't ever kill him, really. Probably. He just wants the possibility, because it means Jeff's his, always, to keep.

imp: And Jeff jerks it to Richie being dangerous.

morning skate, short stack

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