[event] Something has surfaced...

May 31, 2010 16:57

[It's three a.m. A Reploid with an ID signal of a security guard at Lagrano, sends a shaky-voiced message on the standard emergency channel.]

H-Hunter Base? Th-this is Delta... We just...

We just discovered a body floating near a water purifier intake at Lagrano. W...We need someone with command authority and a medical team on the scene right now. Please tell me there's someone in authority left.

It... It seems to be Commander Zero... Intake Mechaniloids are bringing the body to the surface now...

((OOC: Because things just aren't paranoid enough. This is a puppet of final_number's mun, a spare account being used as a plot token for this event. ENJOY. XD This event is not mandatory, but anyone who wants a good freakout is welcome to be involved with dredging/assessing the body, and it's got some stuff worth looking into...)

[x] tothexthpower, [zero] final_number, [alia] experient, [zero] dwn_000, event, [rockwoman] mega_maiden, [axl] gunslinging, [x] unyieldinghope

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