insert mass confusion here.

Aug 13, 2010 01:36

[It seems to be a pretty average day in Central. Nice weather, check. People milling around, check. Confused newcomer over in the corner, very check ( Read more... )

[x] tothexthpower, [axl] copycatting

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tothexthpower August 13 2010, 07:52:41 UTC
[Just another average day... for what passes for 'average' here in Giga City - which means that X is taking a walk. He's gotten into the habit of taking a walk now and then through the city to help clear his thoughts and keep a handle on his stress.

So, as he walks across the plaza, he's a bit wrapped up in his thoughts. But he's not so out of it that he doesn't notice the way the usual crowds are acting a little oddly around that corner over there. Curious, and concerned there might be a problem, X makes his way over.

The crowd thins out the closer he gets, and it doesn't take long to spot the cause of the disruption to foot traffic. It's Axl.

Except it's not Axl. Not the one he knows, anyway. Because the one he knows isn't supposed to be outside the base on his own. And because the one he knows is a reploid.

This Axl looks decidedly human-y. Frowning, X tries to ping him, but gets nothing - as if there's no system there to ping in the first place. Confusion flickers over his features as he steps forward and activates his sensor system to scan Axl.

He almost trips at the result, because... he is human.]



copycatting August 13 2010, 07:55:31 UTC
[Oh, hey, he recognizes that voice. His head snaps up, and for just a minute there's a very hopeful look in his eyes. X! X will know what the hell's going on!

...but that just drops as soon as he gets a look at X, replaced by confusion.

Dude. What the hell is he wearing?]

Um. X?


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 08:03:00 UTC
[Okay. What? What is going on here?

Axl should not be a human. X didn't even think there were any humans on Giga City. X shakes his head slightly in confusion.]

Ah... What happened to you? Are you alright? [He closed the distance between them, his heavy armored boots making the usual sound against the floor.]


copycatting August 13 2010, 08:08:37 UTC
Hell if I know. I think I dozed off under that really awesome tree out on the lawn? And then I wake up in the middle of like...cheesy sci-fi anime land or something and everyone's suddenly taking fashion tips from Sentinels.

[And that includes you, X. He's still eying that armor with a clear look of what the hell, man.]


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 08:13:17 UTC
... [Consider yourself getting the same sort of look back, Axl. Because, what? Just... what?]

...I followed maybe half of that, Axl. But it looks like we're all in the same boat now.


copycatting August 13 2010, 08:16:14 UTC
The HMS Maybe-I'm-Still-Asleep-And-This-Is-What-Five-Energy-Drinks-Do-To-Your-Dreams?


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 08:22:21 UTC
Uh... [It took a second for him to realize what he meant - X was just that thrown off by the situation. Then he shook his head.]

Er... no. If you're dreaming, then so am I. ...And I don't think humans can have shared dreams...

[He was rambling. He needed to stop that. X shook his head again.]

What I mean is, you found yourself here under strange circumstances.


copycatting August 13 2010, 08:26:01 UTC
Well, flatscans can't, sure, but if somebody had the right mutation -- [he stops and makes a face, like he just had a horrible thought. or smelled a horrible smell.] If this turns out to be another crazy plan by the Brotherhood, I swear I'm gonna flip tables.

[But hey, now he's rambling too, so he shakes his head.] But...yeah. Strange circumstances about covers it.


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 08:34:18 UTC
...Brotherhood? [Despite the way Axl spoke almost dismissively about it, it had an ominous sound to it.

Then he shook his head again.] This isn't the place to talk about this.


copycatting August 13 2010, 08:37:54 UTC
[And that'll get you another odd look, X. You know! Those guys who are constantly trying to take over the world? That Brotherhood?

What the hell has he stumbled into here when X of all people doesn't recognize that?]

Okay, then where is?


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 08:41:39 UTC
[X held out a gauntleted hand to him.] Let's go back to base.

[It was secure, and likely safer for a human than out here on his own.]


copycatting August 13 2010, 08:45:32 UTC
[There's some definite hesitation in his movements as he looks at X's hand. Not that he doesn't trust you, X, but that's not going to malfunction and shoot lasers at him or anything, is it?

But he gets to his feet and nods.] Okay.


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 09:09:56 UTC
[Hey now, his hand does not malfunction, thank you very much. X gave him a slightly confused look at the way Axl eyed his hand, then refused the help up.

...Surely this Axl didn't have a problem with reploids? Surely not...

He glanced uncertainly toward Axl, then motioned toward one of the plaza exits.] It's this way.


copycatting August 13 2010, 09:13:23 UTC
[lol what's a reploid.

Axl nods and follows. He does seem a little subdued, though, and he alternates between continuing to stare disbelievingly at their surroundings, and poking at his phone to see if he's getting only reception.

It's a ridiculously old looking cellphone, from this world's perspective.]


tothexthpower August 13 2010, 09:17:04 UTC
[As they walk through the corridors, X glances over at Axl now and then. He looks so much like the Axl he knows, but also 'off' in certain ways as well. It was surreal.

As he glanced over, he spotted the cellphone Axl was messing with. He nearly did a doubletake. ...hadn't he seen one of those in an antique shop once?]

...Where did you get that?


copycatting August 13 2010, 09:22:10 UTC
[You're probably getting sick of those funny looks, X. But come on, what kind of question is that.]

Best Buy?

I thought the iPhones looked pretty cool, but Alia said the contract sucks.


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