Don't worry, I intend to fight her moments of emo with her being an overall Pollyanna.

Aug 05, 2010 21:29

[Rock is in her 'I'm moody but I don't want X to see me upset' place. Sooner or later, you know he's gonna find her doing this.

And this time, she's trying to use working on her helmet as a distraction. She's readjusting the com-system again, hopefully so she can pick up more incoming communications from lost reploids. She hasn't managed to get all of the signals, and she's leaving all private signals alone if she can.

While she has the communication static playing from one of the speakers in her helmet, the other is playing a sad melody.]

I'm trying to live in the present
But I keep tripping on the past
Finding out reality and clarity
Comes in drips and drabs
No we never had the time
For everything we had
So it felt like we had nothing
That's what makes this hat so sad
It was a long, long time ago...

[Huh, well at least she can carry a tune.]

[rockwoman] mega_maiden, [grey] takebackdestiny

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