May 15, 2007 15:50
I just dropped him off to get the Uhaul truck and he's moving out today. At first, the idea of them divorcing actually made me happy because I knew they'd be a million times better off on their own and this should've happened years ago, but now I'm kind of finally breaking down.
I mean, he's still my dad and it's just really hard to see him moving his stuff out. It's just weird.
I want all the crap to stop and just have things be civil and fine and happy but I have a feeling that's not gonna happen anytime soon. At least not for a month because he's moving an hour away. Ugh, I just can't take this.
I thought I had so much more control over my emotions and the way I felt about these kinds of things but apparently I'm not as strong as I thought.
The chorus concert tonight is going to suck. I hardly say that because I love those things but it's just going to be bad.
Let my optimism come back to me. I miss it.